This ghost girl story has lingered with me for tears, but I‘d forgotten it was from Inuyasha!
This ghost girl story has lingered with me for tears, but I‘d forgotten it was from Inuyasha!
I bought and read the first 21 standard volumes as a teen and really loved them. Unfortunately my collection took a hit and most of them were unrecoverable. I saw the Vizbig editions on Libby and thought I‘d give them a shot for nostalgia‘s sake.
It‘s… very different reading them in your 30s. The story is still interesting and I‘d forgotten how many horror elements there were! But also Kagome is only 15 and some bits of the manga feel icky now 😭
Next row of my #readinglogsnake is for InuYasha vol. 2. I enjoy the adventures of InuYasha, Kagome, and Shippo (my favorite!) as they attempt to find the shards of the Shikon Jewel. A realy fun world to get lost in after a stressful day. 5/5 ⭐️ #BooksAndCrafts #ARRCReads
Next row of my #readinglogsnake is InuYasha Vol. 1. Yes, I read manga! A friend introduced it (with this series) to me while I was in high school, and it something I will turn to when I want to get lost in a fun, fantastical world. I have been feeling nostalgic lately, so I picked up this volume. Alot of great memories rereading this. 5/5 ⭐️ #ARRCReads #BooksAndCrafts
The Shady Path of Light was the FIRST book I ever published. It is near and dear to my writer heart because it is very heavily inspired by one of my favorite Anime shows. #Inuyasha This book is an #AMBW (Asian Man Black Woman) romance. The pairing is rare but becoming more and more popular with each publication.
I Picked this book up on a whim. It wasn't a bad read, overall. It had its moments. I wish the characters weren't so typed, and the villain dialogue wasn't so stereotypical. Fans of #japanesefolklore or #anime like #inuyasha will likely love this one! #japan #japanesemythology #kitsune