Final installment received today. Now let the real struggle begin. Book Six is a 1000-pager. #karloveknausgaard #thousandpager #ilovebigbooksandicannotlie
Final installment received today. Now let the real struggle begin. Book Six is a 1000-pager. #karloveknausgaard #thousandpager #ilovebigbooksandicannotlie
I was reading the galley of Summer but had to buy it yesterday to complete my set (please don‘t judge my galley lag! 🙈) #karloveknausgaard #seasonsquartet
Last pages of Knausgaard's book in a super cosy and cool (literally!) café. As usual, pretty hooked by his writing. #karloveknausgaard
I had initially planned to work my way through this six-volume giant on an every-other-book basis, but after plowing through book one in a few days NOW I CAN'T STOP. It's brilliant and beautiful and heart wrenching and I never want it to end. #currentlyreading #karloveknausgaard #mystruggle #book2
Barely 30 pages into #book1 and I'm already so hooked I can't put it down and I want to highlight pages of text bc they're so beautifully written. Also my #wintercactus is blooming. 🌵🌷📚📖 #mystruggle #karloveknausgaard #newyearnewbook #bibliophile #currentlyreading #bookworm