I want to read one of my BOTM picks next but I‘m not sure which one. 🤔 They‘re all so different!
#botm #whatshouldireadnext #fateofthefallen #kelkade #thesundownmotel #simonestjames #thetwolivesoflydiabird #josiesilver #beyondthepoint #clairegibson #botmstack
hes7 LOVED Beyond the Point and The Sun Down Motel. Fate of the Fallen is pretty good, too, but I haven‘t gotten to Lydia Bird yet. 5y
The_Heeler_Booklife Lydia Bird is so good. Definitely recommend. 5y
SunshineandSimiles I think I‘m leaning towards Sun Down because my book club is doing Two Lives in May. 5y
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