First flower of the year!
Book of the Month made it! #botm ##bookofthemonth #aprilbotm #theguestlist #theparishours
March Wrap Up!
In Five Years- 5⭐️
The Silent Treatment- 4⭐️
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle- 4⭐️
The Sun Down Motel-4⭐️
Anna K- DNF
A Court of Thorns and Roses- 4.5⭐️
#acotar #annak #thesundownmotel #thesevendeathsofevelynhardcastle #thesilenttreatment #infiveyears #monthlywrapup #reafingwrapup #marchwrapup
I went a little add-on heavy. 😬
#botm #bookofthemonth #allthelightwecannotsee #anthonydoerr #theguestlist #lucyfoley
This book made me so happy to be reading fantasy again! I enjoyed it so much I ordered the next two in the series as soon as I finished it! However, for two guys people talk about a lot Tamlin is boring and Rhys is... not great. I‘m sure we will jump into him more in the next book though. I really like Feyre and that she‘s flawed and realistic, and I LOVE Lucian! Give me more of him!
#acotar #acourtofthornsandroses #sarahjmaas
I want to read one of my BOTM picks next but I‘m not sure which one. 🤔 They‘re all so different!
#botm #whatshouldireadnext #fateofthefallen #kelkade #thesundownmotel #simonestjames #thetwolivesoflydiabird #josiesilver #beyondthepoint #clairegibson #botmstack
First ever #botm! I may be slightly mote excited about my add on though, as I've heard great things about The Gifted School!
Starting this tonight! #currentlyreading #currentread
I started this last night and am only a few chapters in, but it had me spitting my wine out in laughter multiple times. This should be fun!
#currentread #booksandwine
Though the overarching ”mystery” about what exactly Alice Forgot was predictable, I found this to be an extremely enjoyable read. To me, the real question was what would Alice do when she did get her 10 years of missing memory back. Also, as much as I liked Alice, I loved her sister, Elisabeth, and her story even more. An enjoyable, quick read, I will certainly pick up more from Liane Moriarty in the future! #finishedreading
Delving into this tonight!
#currentlyreading #booksandwine #cabernet #lianemoriarty
#bookmail! Which one should I read first? I can't decide!
Guys, it is hot out in #maine today! Well, everywhere from what I hear. It's supposed to get up to 100° today. ? I know the more I move the more I will sweat, so I'm going to use it as an excuse to just read in one place and drink lots of water. ?
#whataliceforgot #whymommydrinks #whymummydrinks #heatwave #heatwavereads
Continuing to plow through this while waiting for my book mail to come. It‘s ok so far, but not bad. I can‘t quite put my finger on what I‘m not loving though. The characters maybe, but usually I can appreciate flawed characters. I‘m a little under half done though, so I‘m sure I‘ll figure it out. 💁🏼♀️
#currentlyreading #currentread
Starting this book I picked up from the #LittleFreeLibrary!
#morethanithurtsyou #darinstrauss #maine #augusta #currentread
Just dropped some books at the Little Free Library I recently found. I chose the first two because I read them awhile ago and loved them, but they aren‘t really rereads for me. So I figure why not share the love?
IDK where the Halo one came from but I‘m hoping maybe one of the local teens will like it, there are lots of them around here.
How do you decide what to leave at your LFL?
#fallingleaves #stonebutchblues #littlefreelibrary