This summer I visited the Derwent Water quayside, close to where much of the film was shot. With the backdrop of mountains, it is perfectly suited to the amazing setting that Ransome created in this book! #keswick2017 #bellfamilycoffeetour
This summer I visited the Derwent Water quayside, close to where much of the film was shot. With the backdrop of mountains, it is perfectly suited to the amazing setting that Ransome created in this book! #keswick2017 #bellfamilycoffeetour
Brunch and a book: always a good combo! It was a great time spent discussing some monumental pieces of literature with some fellow book nerds! (I also definitely won the best brunch contest! Scrambled duck eggs, smoked salmon, and avocado is the ultimate combo!) #keswick2017 #bellfamilycoffeetour #merienda #ofcourseitsraining
Just arrived at our apartment for the week, and this is my view! Definitely a perfect place to read in the evening! #keswick2017 #bellfamilycoffeetour