Mmmm... so slowly....
#bookopoly #book #books #bookworm #bookshelf #readingchallenge2024 #toread #litsy #litsybook #leggere #libreria #lettura #litsybook #goodreads #gideontheninth #tamsynmuir #oscarmondadori #bookly
Mmmm... so slowly....
#bookopoly #book #books #bookworm #bookshelf #readingchallenge2024 #toread #litsy #litsybook #leggere #libreria #lettura #litsybook #goodreads #gideontheninth #tamsynmuir #oscarmondadori #bookly
Yoga di Carrère. Il mio primo post su Litsy, popoleremo questo social di italiani. Facciamoci sentire.
Yoga by Carrère. My first post on Litsy, there‘ll be a lot of Italians there. Let‘s make some noise!
#litsy #litsyitalia #libri #leggere #passione #lettura #bookstagramita #bookstagram #leggerechepassione #booktokita #italia #libri
Absolutely no. I hope the movie is better than the book.
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #johnbellairs #housewithaclockinitswalls
Goodbye, my dear Magister....
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #enniomorricone
Another lady of crime! The first book of a long serie... From A to Y... Unfortunately the death cames after the Z....
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #suegrafton #aisforalibi #mondadori
Have you ever been in Italy? Have you ever been in Naples?
You see Naples and you love it!!!
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #pinoimperatore
A perfect book for this particular moment.
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #becoming #michelleobama #thefirstlady
I started reading it with many expectations. Did not disappointed me, but the epistolary structure makes lose a lot of character to the history.
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #thecolourpurple #alicewalker
This book is like the mechanism of a clock : precise to the second, extremely complicated, each fear connected to another.... And if you take one off... Skip everything!
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #natashapulley #thewatchmakeroffiligreestreet
My third McEwan's books.
Uff... Boring and slowly.
Not one of my favorite writers.
#readingchallenge2020 #litsy #litsybook #book #bookly #goodreads #stayathome #lettura #bookworms #toread #iorestoacasa #ioleggoacasa #ioleggo #Iread #Ianmcewan #onchesilbeach