Today is edit my paper day. So glad I am almost done with this. Then I can read! #gradschool #litmajor #termpaper #literature #childrensliterature
Today is edit my paper day. So glad I am almost done with this. Then I can read! #gradschool #litmajor #termpaper #literature #childrensliterature
I have been absent this week as I've been suffering with a horrible cold and also not really reading anything but stuff for school. I'm making my way through this long novel and it's not so bad. I also have picked up Alice in Wonderland since I'm writing a paper on that as well as Emily Dickinson. Ugh the next 3 weeks are going to suck. #springreads #gradschool #litmajor
Trying to get some of my homework done. The pups are not making that an easy thing. All they wanna do is play. #gradschool #homework #winterreads #classic #litmajor
First literature I have read for homework this semester. A really fun quick flash of a story that leaves you with your jaw dropped. New neighbors move in across the street and when the Bortons daughter starts spending a little too much time across the canyon conflict arises. Found the anthology Troubled Daughters Twisted Wives edited by Sarah Weinman. #homework #litmajor
Been #rereading a lot of #dystopian works since #election2016 & my favorite thing is going back to books I read for my #litmajor and seeing my old notes, both from class & personal, since I've always had a habit of treating my books like diaries- I scrawl in them, save movie stubs in them, smear chocolate on their pages, & remember all the times I've snuggled up w them. #philipkdick #themaninthehughcastle #alternatehistory #fucktrump #resistance