My personal favorite Shakespearean quote; you egg.
First literature I have read for homework this semester. A really fun quick flash of a story that leaves you with your jaw dropped. New neighbors move in across the street and when the Bortons daughter starts spending a little too much time across the canyon conflict arises. Found the anthology Troubled Daughters Twisted Wives edited by Sarah Weinman. #homework #litmajor
The story just gets more and more intense as the search for the Dark Tower advances. Seriously, this saga is nothing like any other King work I‘ve read. There is a magic to this work that goes far beyond the name of its creator. Read away friends, read away.
Just STEPHEN FUCKING KING paying homage to JK FUCKING ROWLING. Seriously guys I‘m loosing it over this. #fangirlmoment
"If a customer spends eight thousand dollars for a signed first edition[...] it makes perfect sense to put that book away in a safe place where it can be admired but not touched. If the fellow actually wants to read the story, let him buy a vintage paperback. [...] books can be objects of great value. That value is created in different ways. "
*Book hoarding defined*
This book has been seen as a foundation piece for supernatural literature, which makes me a tad upset I didn't like it more. It lacked any real incline to its plot and when the big moment of what was suppose to be the climax came I felt like the firecracker fizzled and never went off. I did enjoy the folklore aspect to the piece and overall didn't mind spending the time to read it. Basically it's just one big shrug.
Photo Credit: Daria Endresen
Something about this quote just sends shivers up my spine...I love it.
Lazy man goes into the woods with his dog to get away from wife's bickering, gets drunk, sleeps 20 years and comes back to a free America.
American folklore gem.
Photo Credit; Iain McCaig
As always Fitzgerald is a delight! His story telling abilities are really highlighted in this novel, he wove short story with so much going on and so many historical events to account for and yet the narration stayed whimsical. It was an absolute joy to read.
Apartment Christmas decorations (we went to the upside down)
A reminder that you owe the world nothing, you are not required to do a damn thing. We choose to because we want to, and that is wonderful but don't ever let anyone back you into a corner. #myowntwocents
A favorite read this year! The Anthem takes place in a society where everyone is a We, instead of an I. When one citizen starts to question what he has been told he begins to ask the definition of individuality and humanity. Ayn Rand tells this story with power and purpose, I was blown away by how fitting this message is for our current society. You are one person, and is enough to change our entire reality. Humanities flaws are every changing. 💡
Simple yet complex in his writing Bierce is able to send chills up your spine by simply giving you something you can't see. I really enjoyed this story and have a feeling you will to! If you have an extra half hour someday download the Serial app and give it a whirl.
A tad underwhelming but still very creepy and a great short story to pass the time with. The paw gives three wishes, but how you receive those wishes will make you question there worth. 🙈🙉🙊🐒
Out of the three short stories I read this month this one is my absolute favorite. Nothing like a little insanity and horrid wallpaper to make you fall down a sinister rabbit hole. With many symbolic touches to the ideals of feminism this story escalates with each page and by the end has you wondering if you are apart of the yellow wallpaper.
Photo Credit: Lauren Panepinto 💛📚
Salems lot in this bitch 😀
For a classic writer his format is modern. I really enjoyed this short story. I mean who doesn't love a demonic monkey? If your enjoy gothic literature and need a quick read pick up this story and let me know what you think!
Oh you know, just Name Dropping himself into his own book.
I am a sucker for gothic literature and actually read this gem via an app called Serial (I recommend). The story was perverse and suspenseful, the more you read the more sinister it got, and overall was an absolute thrill to read. If you struggle with classic lit this a great book to dip your feet into the genre with.
Art credit: Iban Barrenetxea
I am probably going to get shit for not giving this a higher rating but I was actually underwhelmed by this book. As always King's writing was near perfection but the characters were so well fleshed out that when their deaths were bland I felt almost cheated as a reader. But, it'sone Stephen Kings more iconic works and if you haven't read it I recommend you do.
Nice relaxing detour in the world of The Dark Tower before heading into the second half of this series. Can be read as a standalone but is much better with knowledge of the series. As always King is a master storyteller!
"The stories we hear in childhood are the ones we remember all our lives." - Stephen King (Wind Through The Key Hole)
Photo Credit: Christine Ellger
Mass paperback 2006 in case anyone cares 👅
Best book so far. This is where we finally get to understand the humanity of Roland and just how much the Dark Tower has taken from him and who it has built him to be.
So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corner of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea they have been waiting there for us rarely crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memories and fall in behind, treading our footsteps and catching up little by little.
PC:Kimberly Joanne Sinclair
📚Wool Omnibus by Hugh Howey or IT by Stephen King
📚Straight and to the point as long as world and character development in on point
📚dark as my soul but with cream
📚either mint or as dark as possible
📚 in bed or during nap time at work (I'm a teacher)
📚Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Only Stephen King can take cyborg bears, an evil AI train and a dog/ raccoon hybrid put them all in the same story and have it be one of the best books in the series so far. #ibowdowntotheKing
Outdoor reading with a bookmark a past student made me. 💕📚🍁💚
Better than the first of this saga, the story picks up speed as King gives use multiple dimensions and lobstrosities. With two new characters and justice for Jake I am falling head over heels for this series. #kingisking 🚪🚪🚪💉🦐📚❤️
This is how my boyfriend first gave me his number and I am pretty sure I just fell in love all over again 💕
It feels weird reviewing this book because I know that the 7 books are just one big book split. But overall it was a good set up for the story, lots of questions asked, very few answered but I have faith in King and the story he has woven.
To remind myself what I want to read next. Lol 😆
Hello Friends!! I am in need of suggestions for really awesome audiobooks! If you have some please let me know!! Seriously; help.
A really slow read but a great conclusion to the duology and is beautifully written. Bracken is always a treasure to read.
My first Book of The Month Club purchase. Super excited for this gem 💕📚
Dreamcatcher by Stephen King and Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
1. I don't remember but I think Bookbub
2. Goodreads is a godsend
3. Paperback but man do I love a hardback or ever leather 😍
4. All the damn time. My poor boyfriends face every time I do it 🙃
5. Nope I like to be a free reader
6. Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare (that ending tho...)
7. The sass from characters from Feedback by Mira Grant
8. Gwendy's Button Box by Stephen King
9. Feed by Mira Grant
10. Tbd lol
Finished this book within 24 hours and this continuation of Tricks by Ellen Hopkins helps the characters develop and transform. Another item of proof of what a phenomenal writer Hopkins is.
My July Owlcrate :) best investment I ever made 📚💕
Ellen Hopkins can capture a character and their moments in simple prose in a way some authors cannot achieve with whole books. Tricks is haunting and poignant and it achieves it goal of making you feel filthy yet full of hope for redemption.
1. 7 to 21 depends on the day and the book
2. Print, currently rebuying all my digital and adding it to my shelves.
3. Horror and SciFi
4. Romance and historical fiction
5. Dog eared pages
6. Rereading a book I read years ago and getting to be reminded why I loved that book and reading in general.
7. I didn't really like War of the Worlds and I feel bad because it was written really well.
@GypsyKat #litsyquestions
You know an author is phenomenal when you devour 279 pages in three hours. Hopkins can say more with prose than some authors can do with an entire book.