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Evil Never Dies | T. R. Ragan
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I finally finished the last book for #trragan #lizzygardnerseriesread I‘m sad that it‘s over. I loved that things wrapped up for Lizzy and some justice was served. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tove_Reads I just finished mine on the plane a hour ago! 🤣 3y
EadieB @eanderson @Tove_Reads Glad you both finished and enjoyed it! 3y
EadieB @Tove_Reads Missed you! You have been MIA for 2 weeks! 3y
Tove_Reads @EadieB Missed you too! Greetings from Africa! 3y
EadieB @Tove_Reads Very cool! Have a great time! 3y
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Evil Never Dies | T. R. Ragan
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Reading the final book in the #lizzygardnerseries. Looking forward to seeing how this all wraps up. #lizzygardnerseriesread #lizzygardner

@EadieB @Andrew65 @DarkMina @eanderson @Tove_Reads

EadieB It's a good finish to the series. Enjoy! 3y
Andrew65 Hope you enjoy it, always sad when you get to the end of a series. 3y
DarkMina Enjoy! I need to finish up the series as well. 3y
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Almost Dead | T. R. Ragan
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I really enjoyed this 5th book in the Lizzy Gardner series. There was a lot happening, which is standard for these books, but I feel like it was all held together a little better in this book than in previous ones. Really fast read, and because these books have so much going on, I definitely enjoy them more when I read them in just a couple of days - so I don‘t lose what‘s happening. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

#lizzygardnerseriesread #lizzygardner

EadieB Nice review! I agree! I seem to lose interest if I take too long to finish a book! 3y
Elizabeth2 @EadieB especially with this series - I lose who all of the different characters are because she has so many threads going at once. 3y
EadieB @Elizabeth2 While reading my books, I make notes on all the characters as they show up in the book and it helps me remember who they are especially when books have so many characters. 3y
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Elizabeth2 @EadieB that definitely would help with these books!! 3y
EadieB @Elizabeth2 When I read book 2 of a series, I refer back to the list of characters from book 1 and it helps me remember what the book was about and refreshes my mind who some of the main characters are. 3y
Elizabeth2 @EadieB I think that‘s why I prefer to binge read series, so I remember exactly why was happening and can still be sort of in the mindset of where all of the characters were. 3y
EadieB @Elizabeth2 The majority of my reads are series with a few standalones in between. 3y
Andrew65 @Elizabeth2 Great review. Binge reading is good and I much prefer reading books intensively too. 3y
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Evil Never Dies | T. R. Ragan
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Okay the last book of the series. I have put it down as a pick but mainly for the series. Yes it had a good ending, but I felt a bit let down by this book. Didn‘t wow me in the way others in the series have.

However don‘t let this dissuade you from reading the series as I really enjoyed the series. #LizzyGardnerSeriesRead #TRRagan

EadieB I felt like it was a wrap-up of the series and not really a wow book either. 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB I‘d agree. 3y
Elizabeth2 I‘m loving Almost Dead. Shame this one didn‘t quite live up to the rest, but at least you felt like it wrapped things up, which is really important if an author is ending a series. 3y
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Andrew65 @Elizabeth2 Tou might enjoy it more than I did. There is some good tension in the book. I just felt it changed Lizzie‘s character. 3y
Elizabeth2 @Andrew65 I can see what you mean, after finishing Almost Dead. I wonder though, after how much trauma Lizzy has endured, especially this last book, if Ragan doesn‘t see this as a natural progression in her personality. She‘s lost so much, she‘s tired of the bad guys winning, she doesn‘t care anymore about being one of the “good guys.” Or sees that her old methods don‘t work as well, because people keep getting hurt, so she‘s trying another way. 3y
Andrew65 @Elizabeth2 Yes you can see how this might come to pass, although I felt disappointed in her choices. 3y
Elizabeth2 @Andrew65 I totally get that. I might bump this one up, and not wait until February to read it after this conversation! I‘m anxious to see where the group goes. I read another series, years ago, with a group of vigilante women and it was very entertaining. But it had a bit of a lighter feeling than this series and the women started out as vigilantes, so there was no inconsistency with the characters‘ personalities. 3y
Andrew65 @Elizabeth2 I had to bump it up as would only have access to the book up to 18th Jan. 3y
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Almost Dead | T. R. Ragan
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Wow! I don‘t know what to say. 😳 So much happened! I am afraid of where things will go from here for Lizzy and the girls. This series is better and better with each book. Although this one hurt.

EadieB Glad you enjoyed it. I'm listening to the last book now! 3y
Elizabeth2 I‘m about a third through this one. Really enjoying it so far! 3y
Andrew65 This was a good one. 3y
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Evil Never Dies | T. R. Ragan
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Have started the last book in the Lizzy Gardner Series, as I need to rea£ it before 18th January when my access to Kindle Unlimited expires.

An excellent series so far. #LizzyGardnerSeriesRead #TRRagan

EadieB I've got 3 more hours to listen to this on Audible. 3y
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Almost Dead | T. R. Ragan
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Reading this one next for the #lizzygardnerseriesread. Anxious to find out what‘s happening as the last book left us on a bit of a cliffhanger. #lizzygardner #trragan

eanderson I‘m a little over halfway... there is a lot going on! 3y
EadieB Enjoy! 3y
Andrew65 I‘ve just started too. 3y
Elizabeth2 @eanderson @EadieB @Andrew65 I am really enjoying it so far! Fast paced, and yes - a lot going on. Will be interesting to see how it all connects! 3y
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Almost Dead | T. R. Ragan
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My little guy is cuddly today. We are being lazy. While he watches Mickey I‘m going to try to finish up my #LizzyGardnerSeriesRead

robinb I miss those “cuddly” days. 😊 3y
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Almost Dead | T. R. Ragan
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Had to know what‘s going on with Lizzy after the ending of the last book. Started this month‘s #LizzyGardnerSeriesRead

EadieB Her cliffhangers make you want to read the next book immediately! 3y
Andrew65 Just finished this one. 3y
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Almost Dead | T. R. Ragan
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Like all books in this series this was a very enjoyable read with some clever writing and unique plots. The strength in these books are the great central group of characters. This one took forward Jared‘s story from the cliff hanging end to the previous book. However whilst it was another very good reading I felt just a little bit let down by the ending and particularly the turn the book has taken. However on to the last book in the series.

EadieB Great review! I felt let down too at the end of the book so I downloaded the next book on audible and it's not as serious as the ending sounded. 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB I‘m going to have to accelerate this one as needed to read before 18th and my Kindle Unlimited subscription expires. (edited) 3y
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EadieB @Andrew65 I've been listening and am already 4 hours into the book. (edited) 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB 🤣🤣🤣 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 I'll probably finish it tomorrow as I'm babysitting and folding my daughter's family of 5 clothes which takes me 4 hours so I'll be a captive listener of this audiobook. 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB Most probably be later this week before I get to it. Busy at school showing applicants for my job around the school. (edited) 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 That's exciting! 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB Exciting but quite surreal, interviews on 25th / 26th Jan. 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 So is your last day at Easter or will it be earlier if you hire someone? 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB My last day will officially be 18th April, but last day with children and staff in school will be Friday 1st April. Notice period quite long in teaching in U.K. if Deputy need to resign by end of February. If Head / Principal already in another school need to resign by end of January. It is a large school with a good rate of pay so could attract a head teacher from another school. 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB When the school last under went inspection it was graded Outstanding so this will put some people off the job. 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 So whoever takes the job may need time to give their notice. I'm not surprise your school was rated Outstanding as you put a lot of time and energy in making it an Outstanding place! Congratulations! At least you will be leaving on a positive note! 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB Definitely been my life for the last 15 years and a term. Don‘t think it had really sunk in yet that I am leaving. Still feel everything as intensely as ever. Thanks 💕 (edited) 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 Definitely smacks you in the face and wakes you up to realize this is for real when you are hiring someone to take your place! 3y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 reading through the above posts, I'm really proud of you Andrew. Congrats on the years you dedicated to your school. I'll bet they're going to miss you 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB It does, but interesting,y not upset me at all, so shows it is the right decision. 3y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Thanks 💕💕💕 They will definitely miss me,, already been plenty of tears after 15 years, but I will also miss them enormously. It has been my life for more than 15 years. 3y
tpixie @Andrew65 good luck on your next adventure! 3y
Andrew65 @tpixie Thanks 😊 3y
DarkMina @Andrew65 Congrats! 3y
Andrew65 @DarkMina Thanks 😊 3y
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