This book was quite interesting and I'd give it about a 7.5/10. It was a tad verbose with some rambling that was uninteresting at times. But the overall premise of the book was promising, the flow was good, and the ending was satisfying. A classic addition to any psych section of a home library; subcat mood disorders/mental health autobios
Pretty interesting when an esteemed professor of psychiatry finds herself dealing with the very mood disorders she teaches. Will she follow her own advice as a brilliant mind, or will she fall subject to the variable highs and lows of manic depression. It is a very interesting read for anyone who has been touched by a friend or family member with depression/mania
It's a funny story how I got into this book. I really enjoyed the Amazon show 'Modern love', through that I got to know about the podcast, then the episode by Terri and then finally her book. Bipolar disorder has interested me for various reasons and honestly it's a really good account of her experience. A vivid and overwhelming account of something that is so common yet unknown to people.
As for the book, I definitely liked it.
#manicmonday #letterY @CBee - Thank you for the tag!
📕 Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
✍️ Yeats
🎥 Yes Man
🎤 The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
🎶 Yesterday
All please come play! 🎵 🎶
#manicmonday @CBee #theletterw
📚 Where the Wild Things Are
✍️ William Kent Krueger
🎥 The Wilderpeople - I recommend this sleeper!
🎤 Weezer, White Lion, John Waite
🎶 What‘s Love Got to do With It, Wait by White Lion saw live in 1988
I related to Jamison in many ways and am appreciative to her for writing the book. It isn't easy living with mental illness, but she wrote in such a way as to be accessible to all.
Cozy Wood Wick candle and tagged book is getting me through today. I have bipolar disorder and reading about someone else's experiences with the disorder is comforting to me, even though it isn't always pleasant.
📚 New Moon, Nightshift
✍️ Nancy Drew
🎥 Night at the Museum, Nanny McPhee, two favorites when my kids were small
🎸 Nine Inch Nails - Trent Reznor is my birthday Buddy.
🎵 Nasty, New Moon on Monday, Never Gonna Give you Up (80‘s girl here!)
#manicmonday #lettern @CBee