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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris returns with his first new collection of personal essays since the bestselling Calypso.
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I read through chapter 15 and decided to stop. The discussions of family trauma were too intense for me. I may finish the book someday. But not today.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Current audiobook.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I figured out when I saw David Sedaris live in Raleigh in the late 90s or early aughts that hearing him read his essays is probably the best way to experience them, so although I will read his books in print from time to time, I prefer the audiobook versions. Sedaris is a little the curmudgeon in these essays, but he's self-consciously so, which works. As usual, the essays are hilarious, poignant, or squirm-inducing (and sometimes all three).

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Hilarious! I don‘t usually read essays/memoir and I loved this! Laughed out loud. Aging parents, Social issues, sexuality, long-term relationships & the possible abuse of his sister are all written about with frankness. And often humor. Trigger warning: sister‘s suicide is discussed briefly in one essay. Highly recommend! #essays #memoir #humor #5stars

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris

I‘m not sure how to rate this. Parts were very funny and true. Other parts made me uncomfortable - maybe because I don‘t think those things should be said in “polite society”. He is a good writer

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris

⭐️⭐️ ½

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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris; a champion storyteller with dead pan delivery and perfect timing, striking the balance between cynical and hysterically funny. In happy, go lucky we see a touching but also almost brutally honest side of his relationship with his family, siblings & father. His take on COVID and the protocols is part reminiscing while on a walk down memory lane and part hysterically funny. ( Hey, you can either laugh, or (cont in comments)...

britt_brooke Love, love, love him! 13mo
TheHeartlandBookFairy you can cry. I choose laughing but that is it no way meant to take away anything from the crazy high number of deaths.) His travels, how sleeping is the new sex, and so much more… anything is likely to become a story, Sedaris telling it the way he see it is almost guaranteed to make you laugh. Listening to Sedaris read this book is the ultimate experience, I always enjoy his view, his take, his humor, his books! 13mo
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Another winner from Sedaris. This one focuses in on his life mid and post pandemic. Also lots about his family, especially how he and his siblings responded as their father was dying.

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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Just not my jam. Not my kind of humor, I rolled my eyes several times. A lot of superficial/shallow contents.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I just adore David Sedaris.

This essay collection was timely, funny, and sometimes disturbing.

I could hear his voice as I read - normally I listen to his audiobooks.

Maybe this is the year I'll finally get to meet him...

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Andrew65 Love this. Thanks for playing along, it‘s been a good way to review the year. 2y
JenReadsAlot @Andrew65 Thanks for doing this! 2y
Andrew65 @JenReadsAlot Really enjoyed doing this, thank you. (edited) 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Cashed my bonus check from work and spent it all at the Barnes and Noble half off sale 😄

TheBookHippie Oooo Banksy!!! 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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A few more serious topics in this one, but always a pleasure to listen to this man!

peaKnit This is the one that had me crying with laughter in my flower bed. Lol 2y
JenReadsAlot @peaknit Every time I laughed I thought of you doing that! Lol 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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The most recent Sedaris is a bit darker than some , but with the death of his father and Covid 19 being topics it‘s not surprising.his powers of observation & his sense of humor still provided laugh out loud moments.I love the essay about missing his live readings, it‘s a way to evaluate if the material is working and makes his work a cross between traditional writing & stand up in a way. I have no idea why I haven‘t ever seen him live.

LeahBergen He really is brilliant to see live! 2y
Leftcoastzen @LeahBergen I will someday , I used to travel for business, was always in wrong place . Maybe next time he‘s here 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris does it again! I always enjoy seeing the world through his quirky lens as he‘s able to highlight the bizarre and alternatively the poignant moments in life. In this book he covers his experiences during COVid pandemic and the loss of his father with whom the family has a complicated history. I read this in print but may look for it in audio at some point as I love listening to him as well.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Was very lucky to see David Sedaris perform in my town the other night, and got to meet him. It was a delight, as is his new collection. One of the few things my husband and I can enjoy together on car rides!

Suet624 I‘m seeing him in a few days. Can‘t wait. 2y
cariashley @Suet624 have fun!! 2y
DivineDiana Love the inclusion of a sketch! ❤️ 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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If you like David Sedaris, you will enjoy this book of essays. He covers some heavy issues, but also made me physically laugh-out-loud. Not always comfortable reads, but always worth it. Plus we see a good amount of sister Amy. And this cover! 🤦🏼‍♀️😆

rubyslippersreads That cover is triggering my coulrophobia. 2y
elkeOriginal @rubyslippersreads No doubt! It is terrifying. 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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At this point most people know whether they like Sedaris‘ work or not. For me, I will always listen to it on audio and it will always make me laugh uncontrollably. There are also obviously things he writes that make me cringe. This particular collection is full of reflections on living in a pandemic, the complicated emotions that come from losing his father, and musings about growing older. It‘s slightly more maudlin, but still full of hilarity.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I only had a few days to read this before my book club discussed it. Fortunately, it‘s short, so I was able to read it real fast 💨

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Reading is not going well. Someone stole my book! 🐈

#catsoflitsy #littenkitten

Ruthiella 😹😹😹 2y
FlowerFairy 🤣🤣🤣 2y
elkeOriginal Bad kitty 😆🥰 2y
Kerrbearlib Silly kitty! 1mo
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I‘ve read everything he‘s written. I don‘t know of another author who shares such personal information that makes you laugh. The chapter on him going on a book tour and hearing other peoples jokes had me rolling on the floor. And he spoke with such realism about his father‘s end of life. I highly recommend all his books, especially if you want to give your day a big lift.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris

David Sedaris never disappoints. Masterful blend of humor, introspection, and family dynamics/history dissection. I didn‘t love the pandemic parts of the book but that‘s more due to my personal preferences and not a reflection on the writing. I would love to come back in a few years with fresh eyes.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I started reading this one out loud to my aunt while she was in the hospital for some laughs-& while glossed over for her some of the sections about Lou‘s decline & death, it still gave us some last happy memories to laugh about- gunderpants especially! Because I read it so slowly, I also listened to it myself. While it‘s not all new material, I found this essay collection to hit a wide range though I‘ll probably always associate it with my aunt.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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In my eyes, David Sedaris can do no wrong and is always a pleasure to read.
From laugh out loud moment to poignant ones, he covers the entire gamut.
Stories about his crazy family, his dying father, book tours and travel in our pre and post-Covid world... and teeth.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I read this when it first came out but wanted to wait until I listened to it to post a review. I really liked this book. It has some essays that are personally revealing and consequently seem a little more raw and honest for Mr Sedaris than his ordinarily snarky family tales. That said there were still some that I laughed aloud heartily. Oddly, the book ends with a mention of Springfield, MO which is the place I mean when I‘m “going to town.”

Moony I read his diaries and it was some much fun. 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I picked this book up at E Shaver bookstore on a recent trip that my family and I took to Savannah and I couldn't put it down. This book is hilarious. I love Sedaris' dark humor.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I listened to the audiobook read by the author, and my husband read the hardcover. If you have read the two volumes of David Sedaris‘s diaries, you will find many repeated stories in this collection. I didn‘t mind, because I enjoy his work. While I am sure many of his anecdotes are exaggerated for comic effect, his reflections are brutally honest. I highly recommend the audiobook so you can hear the work read by the author.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I loved this so much. We saw David Sedaris in April and this collection was very similar in tone, in fact he read “Pussytoes” during his presentation. There‘s some really rough content here about his relationship with his father. Sedaris‘ signature wit and observations were timely, this time about the pandemic and guns in America. His stories about his relationship with his sisters/family and his husband are always hilarious.

britt_brooke I just love him, and this book. I‘ve listened to it on audio twice already. 😂 2y
IuliaC Nice review and beautiful flowers! 🤩 2y
Chelsea.Poole @britt_brooke me too…I described him at work as an odd little duck who feeds gummy worms to ants but has hilariously insightful observations about life. (some people still don‘t know this man 🤯) I also listened to the audio, and read a few chapters in the physical book. Love his delivery!! 2y
Chelsea.Poole @IuliaC thank you! The lacy-edge lilies were transplanted from my mom‘s garden 😊 2y
britt_brooke @Chelsea.Poole Your description is spot on! 😂 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Listening to David Sedaris read his own work is always a pleasure. Highlights in this collection are:
—examples of his close relationship with his sisters
—learning to shoot a gun
—his father transforming into Mr Congeniality when he was in his mid-90s (even admitting his voting for Trump had been a mistake)
—Sedaris‘ surprise about what women readers said to him about wearing bras


Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Spent today working on projects for my online Paint and Print with Natural Dyes course. And listening to the tagged audiobook.
#audiocrafting #craftersofLitsy

CarolynM They look great! 2y
Lindy @CarolynM thanks 😘 2y
Prairiegirl_reading Love those!! 😍 2y
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Cathythoughts Wow ♥️ 2y
julesG Gorgeous! 😍😍 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Did David Sedaris write funny essays during political turbulence, a pandemic and after the death of his father? Yes. Not as funny as say, “Me Talk Pretty One Day” but worthwhile. I wanted to know his take on everything and I was thrilled to get it. The only caveat is that if you‘re not already a fan you should probably start with his earlier essays and get to know him first.

Megabooks Agree with all of this. Much darker humor. 2y
rachelk @Megabooks Yes. I think this set of essays finds him in an (understandably) darker, grumpier place than we‘ve seen him before. As a long time fan, I love him but I can see why this might not appeal to everyone. 2y
rachelk @Megabooks After I said it might not appeal to everyone I saw that as of now it‘s at 95% on Litsy with a 4.27 rating on Goodreads 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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My husband and I went on a short trip, and we visited four bookstores along the way!

Ruthiella Nice haul! 👍 2y
Chrissyreadit So much fun! 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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If you see a woman on her hands and knees, shoulders hitching up and down, laughing so hard that she‘s crying while weeding her flower bed, just keep walking. She‘s listening to David Sedaris‘s latest and she‘d be me. Say hello if you‘re a Litten. 😂

JenReadsAlot Omg Stacey hilarious 😂 2y
peaKnit @JenReadsAlot I feel like this book is bringing me so much joy is needs a PSA, and David‘s squeaky voice is gold, right?! 2y
JenReadsAlot Can't wait to listen to it!! 2y
jlhammar Ha! Love this. 2y
squirrelbrain 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Sedaris‘s latest essay collection finds him in good form. I chuckled along with this in a number of places and really enjoyed it.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Another great essay collection from David Sedaris. More related to current events (guns, COVID, BLM) than most of his other work, and it sounds like a more honest portrayal of his dad after his recent death. Definitely worth reading if you‘ve enjoyed his other work.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Sedaris rule: “Be yourself. Unless, of course, yourself is an asshole.” Started this to run and knit to, and have enjoyed some laugh out loud moments already.

julesG I like what you're knitting. #KnittersOfLitsy 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Got it as soon as it dropped and finished it same day. Sedaris continues to deliver. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Fellow Sedaris Stans: He was on Conan‘s podcast last week and it‘s a fantastic listen! He was also on back in February of 2019, so you‘ll probably want to check that one out, too. Really fun!

Maria514626 Thanks, @britt_brooke! I can't imagine the two of them in one room. 😄
He was also on Depresh Mode, ep. 65 (different vibe but also a great podcast): https://maximumfun.org/episodes/depresh-mode/stories-that-david-sedaris-is-final...
britt_brooke @Maria514626 Thank you! I‘ll give it a listen. 💚 2y
fredthemoose Oooh—thanks for the tip! I‘m experiencing the audiobook equivalent of looking at a full closet but having nothing to wear… 2y
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fredthemoose @Maria514626 thanks for posting! 2y
britt_brooke @fredthemoose 😂 I‘m very familiar with this feeling and it‘s really the perfect description! I‘ve started listening to more podcasts this year and it helps me fill those gaps while I decide on an audiobook. Apparently, my ears need something at all times. 😬 2y
fredthemoose @britt_brooke if I‘m not sleeping, working, or talking to someone, I‘m listening to something. I just delayed taking a shower by half an hour because I didn‘t know what I wanted to listen to. It‘s ridiculous. 2y
britt_brooke @fredthemoose Sounds about right! 😂 2y
Maria514626 @fredthemouse Perfect description! And god forbid I could be alone with my thoughts for five minutes. 😆 2y
britt_brooke @Maria514626 @fredthemoose Exactly! I keep thinking about this … apparently I don‘t want to be in my own headspace for too long. Not sure what this says about us. 😂 Maybe we just need to always be learning. Let‘s go with that! 😅 2y
Maria514626 @britt_brooke @fredthemoose I like that answer! 👏👏👏 2y
fredthemoose @Maria514626 it‘s absolutely unacceptable! 😂 I like thinking it‘s that I want to be learning and not that I can‘t stand being alone with my own thoughts, and it‘s best not to risk it and actually find out. 2y
Megabooks Thanks for the heads up!! 2y
britt_brooke @Maria514626 I listened to the depresh mode episode this weekend. Thanks for putting it on my radar! A tough, but great listen. 2y
Maria514626 @britt_brooke 👍 It‘s a great podcast. John Mike‘s email newsletter is great, too. Some serious and a lot of snark. 🙂 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My only complaint is that it‘s too short, so the obvs solution was to read it twice! It‘s an excellent collection largely about Lou Sedaris and pandemic times. Funny and dark commentary as usual. The last essay where he mentions his first post-Covid show in Nashville? I was there, at War Memorial Auditorium, front row center! I could see his freshly Invisalign-ed smile. It was an incredible evening!

britt_brooke @Cinfhen I know you didn‘t love this one, but tagging you anyway. 🙂 2y
Cinfhen I‘m glad it worked for you!! It had some great moments but overall I was disappointed 😔 It was wayyyy too short and 1/3 of the collection was previous material (so that made me pissy). Plus I felt it was a bit too dark and mean spirited. He was far from Happy Go Lucky in this collection 🙃 2y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen “Theme and Variations” is one of my all-time favorites of his, so I didn‘t mind hearing it again. Reminds me of the first time I met him at Parnassus. But, I understand your feelings! 2y
Cinfhen No matter what, his delivery and observations are pretty fabulous 🙌🏻 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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A group road-trip requires a David Sedaris audiobook—and he never fails to entertain and provoke! In this collection, he touches on the COVID-19 pandemic, his father‘s deathbed, Black Lives Matter marches of 2020, the value of corrective dentistry, and things people stick up their rectums! I do have to say Sedaris had me cringing with a couple places where his wealth and age have him a bit out of touch. Still worth a listen!

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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This might not be my favorite Sedaris, and it definitely has some darker more emotional stories, but it was still overall an enjoyable read.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I like reading David Sedaris because he makes me uncomfortable - uncomfortable with his perspectives and judgments and choices that don‘t resonate with me, but also uncomfortable with the ones that do! 😝 I always appreciate his humor and LOLed while listening to this perhaps more than any of his recent collections, I think. Would like to purge the cover from my memory forever, but otherwise a great read!

EvieBee Lol! A particularly hideous 🤡! 2y
Christine @EvieBee Right? 😆 I‘m not an all-out clown hater, but this one got to me. 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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This is a truly horrible picture of us, but Parnassus was wonderful about accommodating my dad‘s disability and so was David Sedaris.

They saved front row end seats, so he could get in and out easily. I was three seats down from Ann!! 🤩🤩 And David signs disabled people‘s books first so between my cast and dad‘s cane, we went right up! I‘ll share our personalized autographs and what we talked about tomorrow. It was a great night!!

Ruthiella What a wonderful experience! 😃 2y
Cinfhen Yay!!!! Such a fabulous photo!! Sounds like an AMAZING NIGHT!!!! Did you fangirl over Ann?!!?? Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I‘m SO happy for you 😘😘😘 (edited) 2y
Lreads I think it‘s a great photo! ☺️💕 2y
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mrp27 Aww what a great photo! 2y
LeahBergen Love it! ❤️👏❤️ 2y
TrishB That‘s brilliant ❤️ 2y
CarolynM It‘s a lovely photo😍 and 3 seats from Ann💞💞💞 2y
Centique Oh wow! That‘s a gorgeous smiley photo! I‘m so glad you both had a great time 💕 2y
Chelsea.Poole Oh wow! What a fab evening!! Lovely smiles 😊😊 2y
batsy This is lovely ❤️❤️ 2y
Cathythoughts Great photo! Happy days ♥️ 2y
Librarybelle Sounds like a wonderful experience! ❤️ 2y
youneverarrived Sounds like a brilliant night 🥰 2y
RaeLovesToRead Cute picture! 😊 Sounds like a great evening! 2y
MaureenMc 💕💕💕 2y
AmyG Oh Wow! Sedaris is the best. Sounds like a wonderful time. 2y
jlhammar That is so great! I can't wait to hear more about it. 2y
sarahbarnes It‘s a great photo! 😊😊 2y
Graywacke Wow. What a great experience 2y
britt_brooke I‘m so happy y‘all had a fun experience! 2y
squirrelbrain Sounds fabulous! And the pic is lovely! 2y
BarbaraBB That sounds fantastic! Can‘t wait to hear the details ❤️ 2y
Gissy Sounds fabulous! Great photo👌 2y
UwannaPublishme Wow! So cool! Glad you and your dad had such a great time.❤️ 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB just emailed the details to you and @Cinfhen ! Probably too many details… 😂 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain thank you! We had such a great night! 2y
Megabooks @Gissy @UwannaPublishme thanks! It was an unforgettable night! 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris tonight!! Squee!

vivastory How fun! 2y
JenReadsAlot He's so great! Enjoy!! 2y
merelybookish Have fun! 2y
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Leftcoastzen Wonderful! Good for you guys! 2y
LeahBergen Lucky duck! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m soooooo excited for you and your dad!!!! I can‘t wait to hear all the details!!!! 2y
BarbaraBB Thinking of you! Hope you had a great time!! 2y
squirrelbrain Hope you had a fab time! 😘 2y
britt_brooke So bummed I couldn‘t make it to this one! Would‘ve loved to see you all! 2y
Megabooks @britt_brooke same. Next time for sure! Also Cindy House was with him and I told her a friend had given her book a good review, which set of my conversation with David about audiobooks. I‘m going to check out her audiobook now. 👍🏻 2y
britt_brooke @Megabooks Ahh, that‘s awesome!! 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris delivers on many of these essays about Hugh, random interactions with others, and his family. Some are a little off, but he still makes me laugh and plow through his books in less than 24 hours.

Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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I am always here for a new David Sedaris essay collection. As others have mentioned, this one is a bit darker, more reflective than his previous and brutally honest. Still great. Life can be dark and you have to laugh about it (or at least I do). I‘m sad to have finished. Now I‘ll just have to wait patiently for his next!

EvieBee Awww, great review. Was curious if this had reflections on COVID. 2y
jlhammar @EvieBee Thank you! Yes, the pandemic definitely plays a role in many of these essays. 2y
Megabooks 💯 agree with your review! 2y
EvieBee Nice, I‘m thinking about reading his books in order which will include many rereads, just to see his progression. I love him! 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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David Sedaris has been one of my favorite essayists for many years. This collection hits a bit differently, and honestly that is fine with me. While there are plenty of laugh out loud moments (gunderwear, book tour themes, etc) that we have come to expect from Sedaris, this collection is extremely introspective. His humor and tone may seem a bit darker with this book, but I find it appropriate for the subject matter tackled.

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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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🦩I‘m only about a third of the way through, but so far 😆 🔫 🕰 🇫🇷 ✉️ 🐜 😂
🦩 Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden was a fun debut thriller. It felt like it could be the set up for a series and I‘d love to get more Virgil Wounded Horse.
🦩 The Book of Cold Cases ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️—I liked it


Eggs Cold Cases…I intend to read it this year 😻 2y
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Happy-Go-Lucky | David Sedaris
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Summer can now officially start. The new David Sedaris arrived today!!! He is always one of my “must buy” authors! Happy-Go-Lucky looks sooooooo good! The cover is so perfect!!