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Joined December 2016

I love reading and I love Litsy.😍
Untethered | Ayesha Inoon
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I was really enjoying this book until about chapter 20. Then it lost me . I had to speed read to the end. It was painful. Left me feeling flat. If it had finished at chapter 20 I would have been happy .

Jeg I did learn a lot about Sri Lanka and enjoyed reading about their customs. It‘s a country we stopped at on our way to Australia when I was a child. It was called Ceylon then and was a welcome relief after our stop off in what was then Bombay. 3d
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Less Than Angels | Barbara Pym
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I‘ve read outside my comfort zone. So well written but definitely not my “ thing” .

The Spy Coast: A Thriller | Tess Gerritsen
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Catching some late afternoon winter sun . I finished this . It‘s a recent stand alone book of hers. I really enjoyed it. Kept me reading and I didn‘t guess anything. 👏👏👏.

Jeg Just read that it‘s the beginning of a series. That‘s great as I love the characters especially Maggie. Retired spys living in Maine. What fun. (edited) 1w
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A beautiful sunny winters day and I get to sit outside and enjoy it. This is only just a pick for me. I loved the characters. The plot not so much. But it was ok. Decided to watch an episode of the TV series. The TV characters seemed nothing like the book characters to me. I remembered that I was never a fan of the series. Going to try one of her stand alone novels next.

One Day We're All Going to Die | Elise Esther Hearst
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A first novel by a young Aussie. I gained a bit of an insight into Jewish culture here in Australia. The main character is struggling with her place in the world , her culture, her parents and grandparents, love life and work. Absorbed me to the end. Satisfying. Well done Elise. I look forward to more.

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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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I got this for 50c at a church op shop. I‘ve owned it before but don‘t think I ever finished it. It got off to a good start and I couldn‘t put it down but then it began to drag. Way to drawn out and the ending didn‘t thrill me.

Jeg Just looked and I had read it 5 years ago. I gave it a pick then but with similar comments. I read it on a holiday. I tell you I could easily have a shelf of books and read from one end to the other then start again! 🫤 2w
TheLudicReader Agree. Strong start, but didn‘t land the ending. 2w
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Storm Child | Michael Robotham
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So good to be back with Cyrus and Evie. 4th in this series. Written while he was in Scotland , plot involves illegal migration to Britain and brings back memories for Evie. At one stage I thought “;this is not as good as the others” but it redeemed itself with a satisfying ending.

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I‘m a big Michael Rosen fan and this book made me laugh. A little bit of the original story and some We‘re going on a bear hunt with a delightful ending.

Bella the Brave | Rebel Wilson
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I‘m a Rebel Wilson fan and this is a great read with a message. Bella is too shy to speak up. This is how she finds her voice.

Where? | Jordan Collins, Phil Lesnie
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I loved this book. Written and illustrated by 2 Aussies. Both constantly asked as the grew up “ where are you from”
Jordan wrote a poem in answer , he was encouraged to perform it at 14. Now a wonderful book.
Loved their personal stories at the end.

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Beautiful story. Lucy had dementia but we are reminded that she is still Lucy. A great way to explain dementia to kids. Terrific recipes from Maggie.

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Holiday activity, meeting 16 year old grandson in the city for lunch and art gallery visit. Went shopping for his birthday book. Bonus for me , Book shop having EOFY sale. I had to contain myself as I was travelling on the bus. Great kids books to pick from. Tagged book is a first of hers for me.

Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens | Shankari Chandran
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Todays little haul. Looking forward to some winter reading. Just need some rainy days. 🌧

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An Aussie TV writer, this is her first fiction novel. Light and entertaining. Perhaps a holiday read.

Restless Dolly Maunder | Kate Grenville
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Enjoyed reading this fiction based on fact about Kate‘s grandmother. A journey of a strong woman born at a difficult time for women who wanted a life that wasn‘t just getting married and having a family.

charl08 I love your cover! 1mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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Wandering through Target and saw this for $8. Not on my TBR list but seeing it was winner decided to give it a go. Dystopian the reviews say. Well for me it was too much of what I‘m seeing now on my TV screen , especially towards the end which I had to speed read . Writing and descriptions well done. It did make me feel uncomfortable.To think that what he wrote about could easily happen and that some of it is.Right now.

CatLass007 When I read the summary of this book when it won the Booker Prize, I got the impression of everything you just said. Thank you for doing the hard work so I didn‘t have to. 1mo
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The Work | Bri Lee
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Did not disappoint. I really enjoyed it. Loved the ending and the authors note. More to come from this Aussie, I hope.

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Aussie author, autofiction ? I loved this book. Very real. Great sense of humour. I hope the sequel, should she write one, is her marriage to Andy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Pyramid of Needs | Ernest Price
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A first book by a trans man about a trans man and his family, His parents ,involved in a pyramid scheme, and a married sister. Dysfunctional. An insight into a life . Wondered how much autobiographical.
Contrary to the comments on the cover I didn‘t find it funny.

The Last Word | Elly Griffiths
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Delightful, light and satisfying. I‘m a fan of her Dr Ruth mysteries. Just read this because I have loved those and it popped up in the library.

Long Island | Colm Toibin
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A cool wintery morning here so I stayed in bed to finish this one. I can‘t stop thinking about it. I‘m not going to say too much as I don‘t know how to do spoiler alerts. What I will say is that I found the 3 main characters and their situations to be very real and I felt for them all. For discussion this would be a great book club pick. The beginning flowed easily and I thought I‘d finish it in a day then it slowed and seemed to drag a bit. 👇

Jeg I‘m still thinking about it. The more I think the more I like it. At first I was not so sure. Will be very interested in what others think. 2mo
Jeg I read Brooklyn a long time ago but as always can‘t remember it. Seems this is a follow on. In that case I look forward to the next one. 2mo
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The Housekeepers | Alex Hay
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A gift and not a book I would usually read. I enjoyed it but found the end a bit drawn out. A heist story with a difference. Downstairs against upstairs. Not what you would think.

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I love this author. This book , powerful, especially the ending. Parts had me teary, sad and happy tears.

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Delightful. Wondering why I hadn‘t read this before now.

CarolynM ❤️ So different from the film, but both wonderful in their own ways. 2mo
Jeg @Carolyn I have the firm here to watch. I might have seen it in the dim dark past but I don‘t remember. We have some wet days ahead, at last, so might get in some daytime viewing. 2mo
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Elevation | Stephen King
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I haven‘t read a Stephen King for a very long time. This is a novella and is just perfect a read for me and my memory. 😊. He tells a great story. Such an imagination.

After She Wrote Him | Sulari Gentill
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A delightful mystery with a difference. Who is the fictional author. I really enjoyed. A lovely escape.

CarolynM I really liked this one. I had a lovely FB exchange with Sulari Gentill in which I said I couldn‘t decide which writer was real and which was fictional & she said she couldn‘t either! 2mo
Jeg @CarolynM I‘ve just realised from your comment that I‘ve read this before. But it was called Crossing The Line. You got me started on reading her books. About a year ago. Sometimes I do worry about my memory. 😏 2mo
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A beautiful story. I was a bit teary at the end with the note to es parents. @LeeRHarry I‘m so glad I found this book. Explains a lot to me. I‘m getting a copy for my 16 year old grandson. Though he well may have read it already. A very heart felt memoir. I‘m not a graphic novel fan but the words and drawings are clear and very well done.

LeeRHarry Glad you enjoyed it 😊 2mo
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This graphic novel , a memoir, has been banned in some states in the US. Now a Queensland politician has been trying to ban it here in Australia. Taking his case to the high court!! I can‘t believe it. It was published in 2020.
It is Maias story. I‘m looking forward to reading it .

LeeRHarry I thought this was great, hope you do too. 😊 2mo
CarolynM 🤬🤬🤬 2mo
Rissreads Let‘s hope the politician doesn‘t succeed. We managed to overturn the same sex parenting book ban in Sydney. Hopefully commonsense will prevail! 2mo
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A Grief Observed | C.S. Lewis
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After seeing the movie Freuds Last Session I wanted to know more about CS Lewis. I had read his Narnia series in my 20s. This was in my partners extensive book collection and I started to read it. My confession here, I only read the Afterword. Amazing. Gave me all I wanted to know about CS Lewis. Fitted in well with what I had learnt from the movie. I am interested in how he went from being an atheist to a Christian. I‘ll try 1 more of his books.

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I had heard a lot about this book so decided to give it a go. Author is an Aussie working in the area of mental health. Interesting read. I was very pleased when I read the “doing” section to find I‘m on the right path. Many of the exercises and lifestyle changes I already do. Just hope my vagus nerve appreciates my efforts.

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A cosy crime. Gentle . Set in 60s Sydney it took me back to things and events I had forgotten about. Completely relaxing. I had her first book in this series but for some reason passed it on without reading it.

CarolynM The first one is good too🙂 3mo
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Her books take me to a part of Scotland that I love and count as my second home. I‘ve read a few books in this series and enjoy following the characters. Getting fond of DI Clare Mackay. Another book that would make a good plane read.

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The Glass House: A novel of mental health | Graeme Simsion, Anne Buist
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A husband and wife effort. A fictional look at an Aussie mental health system. Fiction based on facts I would say as Anne works in this area. I enjoyed the read. Believable characters, sad circumstances and a peep into how it all works or doesn‘t!

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Gone | Glenna Thomson
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Read in a day. That is what happens when we have a screen free day. Another Aussie crime story. I enjoyed it. A teenager goes missing in 1984. A life time later it‘s resolved in 2023. Easy , interesting read.

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Better than the others of hers I have read. Would make a good plane read. I like her books mainly for the fact that her settings are in Scotland. Scotland feels like my second home and as we are not travelling I get to go there in books. This particular book purchased in Scotland by a friend.

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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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Finally got to read it. Took him 5 years of research. I‘ve watched old interviews. My brother has a copy of the 1968 movie .👏👏. It‘s the one I want to watch as it‘s the one Truman had complete control of. Lots of old stuff about it all on YouTube and Google. Excellent writing. Glad I finally got to read it. My reading slow at the moment. Weather here is so nice . I‘ve been out and about a lot.

Tamra I‘ve been waiting ages for my audio library hold to come in! 3mo
TheLudicReader And so interesting that Harper Lee helped him with research. 3mo
Jeg @TheLudicReader that is interesting. Did not know that. When I watched the old interviews with him I got a surprise. He wasn‘t what I expected. I can imagine him and Harper being friends. 3mo
TheLudicReader The character of Dill was based on Truman Capote as Capote and Lee knew each other as children. @Jeg 3mo
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Pheasants Nest | Louise Milligan
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What can I say. Love her journalism. But!!!

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Just finished this. Almost a so so. I had to speed read towards the end. I enjoyed the writing. The story line was ok.
Certainly not as enjoyable as Our Souls At Night. I would have liked to have met the author Kent. I think he might have been a very gentle kind man. His stories certainly come across as gentle and thoughtful.

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I was reminded of this book when reading The Museum of Words . I didn‘t know we had a copy. I mentioned it and it appeared from the depths of my partners study. The joy of this book for me are the illustrations. A story in themselves without the words. Not a childhood memory for me but I think it might be for lots of people as it was for Georgia Blain.

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Just finished. A short but powerful read. The tears have not dried as I write this. Another Aussie writer gone way too soon. I want to write more but hard to find the words. It‘s not depressing , in fact it‘s uplifting.
The book itself is a pleasure for me. Hard back and printed on thick white paper that looks like it would stay white forever. So glad I was able to hold this book and read it.

Rissreads Beautiful review ♥️ 3mo
CarolynM ❤️ 3mo
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And this is the eternal human paradox,the only way we can cope with our mortality is to ignore it, to live as though we have all the time in the world.

CarolynM ❤️ 3mo
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His books never disappoint. A couple of unexpected things near the end. Quite a bit of romance. One thing annoyed me. The kid character was supposed to be 9. I had to keep reminding myself of this fact as she sounded and acted like a 14 year old. Glad I read it.

MrsMalaprop I haven‘t read this one. Love Patrick Gale 🥰. 3mo
Jeg So do I @MrsMalaprop . Michelle lent me this one. An op shop find for her. 3mo
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Finished in a day on Easter Monday. I‘m sure I‘ve read it before so possibly a reread for me. A sweet story except for the controlling son. It was the authors last book. Now to look out some other books by him. Hope I don‘t run into the usual from the library, available in ebook only!

Suet624 I‘m with you on ebooks. 4mo
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Anna O: A Novel | Matthew Blake
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I honestly think this will make a much better film or TV series than it did a book.

Shot With Crimson | Nicola Upson
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Between a pick and a so so . Realised I don‘t normally read her books. However this one got me in at the beginning as Josephine sets sails on the Queen Mary. I travelled on this ship in the 50s as a child. We were on our way from the US to settle in Australia. It was a page turner for a while then it lost me and I struggled to finish it. My friends who are Josephine fans loved it. Say it‘s one of her best. So there you go!

CarolynM I tried to read the first one of these (because I‘m a Josephine Tey fan) but I couldn‘t get into it at all☹️ 4mo
Suet624 Traveling on the Queen Mary!! That sounds like it would be magical for a child. 4mo
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The Mint Lawn | Gillian Mears
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After reading her biography I really wanted to read some of her books. This is the third I have read and the first she had published in 1990. It‘s taken me a long time to get through, it was not a page turner. The way she writes is exquisite. I‘m sure if she had lived this young woman would have written many great Aussie stories. I felt a bit sad leaving Clementine , the main character and narrator, at the end of the book.

CarolynM I was looking at this on my shelf yesterday and thinking I need to get to it soon🙂 4mo
Jeg @CarolynM I‘ll be interested to see what you think. You must have had that copy for a long time. Hard copies are difficult to get here in our library system. She was/is an amazing weaver of words. 4mo
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I really loved this story. I could almost pick it up and start reading it again. Also made me want to have a go at playing a game. Not a shooting one though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

CarolynM I‘ve been planning to read this for ages, but never quite got around to it. You‘ve given me an extra push🙂 5mo
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Other People Manage | Ellen Hawley
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I‘m not sure why I wanted to read this. A review perhaps. The story of 2 women written in the voice of one of them. They get together in the 70s when they were very quiet about their relationship. I got a good sense of the women but not so much the other characters. The story recounts their life together and their relationships with siblings and siblings children. Love, loss and family.

The Grass Sister | Gillian Mears
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Beautiful writing.

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Cute with a message. Glad this copy still in the library system. It was written and published the year before she died. I‘m trying to get my hands on all her published works. Her writing is excellent.

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