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It‘s Sunday and Summer Solstice Season we are having a heat wave…. my fire sign is recognizing that too much fire requires some water and cooling so perhaps today will include time in water before reading. How are all of you making space for comfort? any particular books to recommend this season? #naturalitsy #midsummersolice

AllDebooks Lots of shade and cool drinks needed here. I loved our #buddyreads this month, especially 1w
inthegreensandblues I am dying to go swimming! Highs 90-100 for the next week at least... I miss being able to read and write outdoors 😂 I have a lot of romance on deck for the summer. Seeing people posting about Trixie Belden is also triggering an urge to revisit those. 1w
Chrissyreadit @inthegreensandblues What romances??? I love Trixie Belden too- i am really wishing to focus and read more!!! 1w
inthegreensandblues Last week I read Just for the Summer, Abby Jimenez. I saw everyone raving about it all spring, and I did love it too! Just now finished up Troy Story by Carla Luna - second in a series about archaeologists falling in love while on digs, a niche that really appeals to me! I think Emily Henry's Happy Place might be next... 1w
Avanders Water 💦 sounds perfect! Our pool is fiiiiinally open! 😅 That helps. Best *recent* book for me, tagged. But also, do you own the tainted cup yet? Asking for a friend 😜 6d
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