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Hygge: The Danish Art of Comfort, Joy and Happiness | Erika Olsen
12 posts
Enjoy Every Moment Like the Danish Do! Denmark is said to be the happiest country in the world... The Danish people owe their happy life to the art of hygge, meaning intimacy, coziness and joy. Hygge teaches to enjoy life from the comfort of your house. Get together and learn how simple, inexpensive experiences and activities can drastically improve your life quality. Cuddle with a loved one, share food, read by the candlelight and release your oxycontin. Not only is this book about the subject Hygge, reading it also makes you 'feel' Hygge. Get inspired by easy to understand information that will help you live, love and even decorate your house. Get in touch with yourself, friends, family and co-workers. Discover the joy of simplicity and coziness with the Hygge lifestyle borrowed from the Danish. Hygge will motivate you to slow down and enjoy the most intimate, special and heartwarming moments. Learn to appreciate your indoors and surroundings, your safe haven and your playground. Get in touch with the secrets of the Danish! This book will teach you a lot more than how to enjoy your cup of tea while listening to the rain ticking on the roof. Capture the moment, reclaim your joy and get together. In Hyge: The Danish Art of Comfort, Joy and Happiness, you will learn:What Hygge is, means and does for youHow to slow down, relax and enjoy the moment like the DanishHow to be authentic with life and people around youCountless ways to surround yourself with good energy at homeHyggelist activities that help you connect and bond with yourselfWhat hygge can do for relationshipsThe best oxytocin boostersHow to Hygge by yourselfHow to design your Hygge homeColors and their effect on feelingsHow to improve your quality of life with 30-day Hygge challengesAs a bonus, the book comes with high-quality Hygge recipes for the whole family! Learn about Denmarks best lifestyle secrets. Grab your copy today! The book contains high-quality photographs, making the print version a perfect gift!
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It‘s Sunday and Summer Solstice Season we are having a heat wave…. my fire sign is recognizing that too much fire requires some water and cooling so perhaps today will include time in water before reading. How are all of you making space for comfort? any particular books to recommend this season? #naturalitsy #midsummersolice

AllDebooks Lots of shade and cool drinks needed here. I loved our #buddyreads this month, especially 1mo
inthegreensandblues I am dying to go swimming! Highs 90-100 for the next week at least... I miss being able to read and write outdoors 😂 I have a lot of romance on deck for the summer. Seeing people posting about Trixie Belden is also triggering an urge to revisit those. 1mo
Chrissyreadit @inthegreensandblues What romances??? I love Trixie Belden too- i am really wishing to focus and read more!!! 1mo
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inthegreensandblues Last week I read Just for the Summer, Abby Jimenez. I saw everyone raving about it all spring, and I did love it too! Just now finished up Troy Story by Carla Luna - second in a series about archaeologists falling in love while on digs, a niche that really appeals to me! I think Emily Henry's Happy Place might be next... 1mo
Avanders Water 💦 sounds perfect! Our pool is fiiiiinally open! 😅 That helps. Best *recent* book for me, tagged. But also, do you own the tainted cup yet? Asking for a friend 😜 1mo
Chrissyreadit @Avanders someday i want a soaking pool!!! i do not have it yet- just FYI ❤️ 3w
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Wishing you all an hour of delightful reading! Can‘t wait to see your posts! #hyggehourreadathon

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#hyggehourreadathon #mothersdayUSedition
Hope you are all finding time for some hygge and reading today 💛

AmyG Happy Mother‘s Day, my friend. 💐😘 2mo
TheBookHippie I slept allll afternoon AHHHHH 2mo
Velvetfur Ooh if I'd have seen this earlier I would've tagged my previous post for this, the one with the face mask! I've had a nice warm bath this evening for a real treat (I never have baths!), then a face mask and matcha-oat latte while reading 😁 2mo
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Chrissyreadit @AmyG I hope you had a lovely mother‘s day also!!! 💛💛💛💛 2mo
Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie Sounds perfect 2mo
mabell Happy Mother‘s Day, Chrissy! ❤️ 2mo
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Today‘s the day!! I rarely feel like my pictures are cozy and sweet these days- but my yard is getting ready and then i will feel cozy outside again!!! Can‘t wait to see the #hyggehourreadathon from everyone who joins!

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Everyone welcome in joining our weekly #Hygge for our #HYGGEHOURREADATHON #litsolace time - It‘s so ZEN 🤍

From #naturalitsy & @Alldebooks @Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @JenniferW88

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Happy Sunday!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone‘s Hygge photos! I‘m hoping to have a day of getting “stuff” done then collapsing into a relaxing evening reading 💛 I‘m not a fan of time change- and not looking forward to next few days.

Bookzombie I‘m not a fan either! Hope you get your relaxing time in this evening. 💗 5mo
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So happy we are continuing this as a group! Open to anyone and everyone- based on your time zone and your schedule- an intentional cozy hour to end your week or begin your week 🩵
I look forward to seeing the pictures posted and am going to work at being more intentional with mine!

IndoorDame So glad we‘re continuing this! 6mo
andreadmw Love this 6mo
Cuilin Yes!! Intentional!! Setting a reminder I think will help me. 🩷 6mo
ElizaMarie I am so glad that this is happening. I think (although I was tagged in them) I got lost in the Hygge challenge this year. I really love this as a new soft era lifestyle. 6mo
Avanders Yay! 🩵🤍💙 6mo
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Tonight is our last #midwintersolace #hyggehourreadathon (although there is a rumor this activity may continue) I am so grateful to everyone for joining in this communal activity and sharing your hygge spaces it with us!

TheBookHippie I so love Sunday nights! 6mo
AllDebooks This has been the absolute highlight for me. X 6mo
Bookwormjillk Love me some #hyggehour 6mo
mcctrish Oh I hope it continues, February requires serious hygge too 6mo
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I‘m so sorry for this delayed post! i‘ve had a chaotic Sunday…. but looking forward to all of the #hyggehourreadathon posts #midwintersolace #naturalitsy

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Hope i did not miss any time zones! #hyggehourreadathon 8-9pm your time! I look forward to seeing all the reading, comfort and coziness 🩵❄️🩵 Don‘t forget to post a pic how ever it looks and feels for you! #midwintersolace #hyggehourreadathon

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Preparing my nest for the #HyggehourReadathon. I‘m feeling a little under the weather, but I have my chenille blanket to keep me warm. I may add in some tea later. I‘m reading Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger. Sorry for the orientation of the photo. My tablet and Litsy don‘t get along.
@Alldebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

TheBookHippie ❄️🩶❄️🩶❄️ 8mo
Chrissyreadit 🩵❄️🩵❄️ 8mo
AllDebooks Snug x 8mo
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Started this one today! Seemed appropriate since we have so much snow!