Excited for this one. #currentlyreading #preview #octoberrso2020 #loveozya #secondnovel #schoolies #identity #friendship #mysteriousgirl Plus #minatureroses after the rain. #coverlove
Excited for this one. #currentlyreading #preview #octoberrso2020 #loveozya #secondnovel #schoolies #identity #friendship #mysteriousgirl Plus #minatureroses after the rain. #coverlove
Oh no, it‘s back to school day after 6 weeks at home. #notready But I have this pretty book #currentlyready #preview #aprilrso2020 #family #humour #resilience Plus #minatureroses
#currentlyreading #holidayreading it‘s my last book. But as we only have two days left, it should be ok. Love Maureen Johnson‘s contemporary mystery stories. Plus mum‘s #minatureroses 💐💐
#currentlyreading #preview #rso #augustrelease2018🇦🇺 #loveozya waited till the lights came on to start. Ha. #doomsdayprepper #survivalya #eep Also #minatureroses 🌹🌹