#currentlyreading #preview #octoberrso2020 #garthnix #allenandunwin #fantasy #loveozya #floweringorchard
#currentlyreading #preview #octoberrso2020 #loveozya #travel #activitism #France #artandbeauty #comingofage #identity I have only read the first 5 pages and already I know I am going to love it.
Four new books to read #tbrpile #preview #octoberrso2020 Not sure where to start. Jennifer Niven! Non Pratt! Nina LaCour! That‘s quality YA material! Plus one #loveOzya novel involving activitism. #luckyme
You cannot know my excitement about getting this book. #squeeee #currentlyreading #preview #octoberrso2020 #fantasy #series #middlegrade #humour #favouriteauthor #yay
Excited for this one. #currentlyreading #preview #octoberrso2020 #loveozya #secondnovel #schoolies #identity #friendship #mysteriousgirl Plus #minatureroses after the rain. #coverlove