5 ⭐. Nonfiction, religious, self-help.
5 ⭐. Nonfiction, religious, self-help.
I loved this book. It‘s like a long, slow breath of fresh air and very much needed as someone who is in full time vocational ministry for the long haul.
Love this illustration of Moses and Aaron petitioning Pharaoh! #Exodus #BibleBuddyRead
I didn‘t grow up with the Bible, but somehow this Bible Stories book made it into my childhood bookcase, and somehow I still have it. I remember loving these illustrations as a child, and the ink had a strong smell that I thought was the smell of the blood in the Nile in one of the illustrations. #Exodus #BibleBuddyRead
Great children‘s book about the motion picture based upon the story in the Bible!
Here, Ingersoll addresses the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible). He eloquently points out the absurdity of the claims and stories contained in these books, which he argues were written by primitive men and not by some all-powerful, all-knowing supernatural being. It was an absolute joy to read, and hard to believe it was written over 140 years ago, in 1879, when religion had an absolute stranglehold over the minds of the masses.
my current listen ~ it's been only a few years since I read this book but listening to it is a fresh experience
A fascinating biography of Moses. The author quotes traditional interpretions but also contemporary literature and psychoanalysis. I enjoyed reading the chapter: Lost Identities Deronda and Austerlitz about lost Jewish identities in Eliot's Deronda, Sebald's Austerlitz and Exodus, i.e. comparing the main character's experience with Moses'. Interesting!