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Joined September 2016

I read, therefore I am. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
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Overall, I enjoyed this. There was one description of a woman near the beginning that I didn't like. I felt it was completely unnecessary. It also had a mystery surrounding smuggling that I wasn't a huge fan of. I was lost in some places. However, I should be clear that mystery, in general, isn't something I gravitate to. It definitely has angst, and an HEA. No cliffhanger and it is the 1st of a series. I won't be reading any of the others.

Witch King | Martha Wells
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My current Libro.fm audiobook choice. I'm loving it so far.

Africa Risen: A New Era of Speculative Fiction | Sheree Rene Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, Zelda Knight
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I am slowly making my way through this as a buddy read with my sister. As with all short story collections, some I love, some I dislike, and some are meh. The really great ones leave us something to ruminate on for a good while. And I really love this cover artwork. (After some oppressive heat lately, I was surprised to be chilly when reading outside today.)

The Secret Garden | Frances Hodgsen Burnett
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Did you know there are free audiobooks on Spotify? I only recently learned this. You are only limited to 15 hours a month though. I just finished listening to this and it was very sweet. I needed that dose of sweet. It was not what I expected at all, but I did really enjoy it. It also had a cast for the reading which added to its charm. This author also wrote A Little Princess, which was a favorite movie of mine. (The Shirley Temple version.)

Kings of the Wyld | Nicholas Eames
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So far this is a fun read. I got this outdoor table at a discount due to the rub mark. I'm thinking about distressing it even more and adding handles in the back to make it a shield. Maybe even painting a sigil on it. Just for fun. It would be very D&D fashion.

julesG Cool idea. Making the table look like a shield sounds awesome. 2w
bookishbitch @julesG thanks!! 2w
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"I wish we were being broadcast live on every channel and smartphone in the world so everyone could see what they're allowing to happen to children." (Not part of the quote: Sadly this hasn't helped do what it should considering all the smartphone footage of the children in Gaza, Palestine.)

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Tress of the Emerald Sea | Brandon Sanderson
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I absolutely loved everything about this. It was my first Brandon Sanderson book and the storytelling was chef's kiss. Clearly, I will need to read more of this author! I finished it 2 days ago and have been thinking about what to say in my review. All I really have is 5 stars, no notes. This is going in my top 5 of all time.

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Snagged at goodwill this morning.

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Ancillary Justice | Ann Leckie
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My latest book mail. Thanks to Pango and Ebay.

Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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Who else is still processing the Neil Gaiman news? He was one of my favorites. My thoughts are with the brave women that came forward.

lil1inblue I can really only speak about it in memes and emojis right now. 3w
BarbaraJean No. No, no! I haven't seen the news and now I don't want to know but have to go find out. I thought he was one of the good ones. 😭 3w
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bookishbitch @BarbaraJean I know, me too. I'm sorry. 😞 3w
julesG @BarbaraJean me too! Not sure how to feel about it. 3w
BookmarkTavern Yup. I‘m right there with you. 💕 3w
The_Book_Ninja Oh dear…another “tortured genius”🙄 3w
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Tress of the Emerald Sea | Brandon Sanderson
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"It might seem that the person who can feel for others is doomed in life. Isn't one person's pain enough? Why must a person like Tress feel for two, or more? Yet I've found that the people who are the happiest are the ones who learn best how to feel. It takes practice, you know. Effort. And those who (late in life) have been feeling for two, three, or a thousand different people ...well, turns out they've had a leg up on everyone else all along."

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Fly With the Arrow | Sarah K L Wilson
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Gah!! I read this, and then near the end realized it is just the first book in a series. I've never read anything about Bluebeard, so I have no idea how this compares in any way. I did really like the story and the elements it employed. It has a crazy mad hatter teaparty vibe at times. There is mystery, magic and some sort of curse possibly. I will probably read the rest eventually because I want to know what happens next.

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My daughter brought these over today. Tress will be my 1st Sanderson book. She read it and loved it. And I've heard only good things about As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow. She knew I wanted to read it so she bought it for me. I've begun it, and I'm already anticipating heartbreak.

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Courtesy of Bookcrossing.com, thanks to an online friend. Gee, I wonder why I was interested in this one. 😉🦄🦄🦄

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I finally picked my 1st libro.fm audiobook. It's true I already have a physical copy, but it is a chonker. And I cannot resist this man's voice. Now I can sit outside and do my spinning or knitting while listening/reading. It's a perfect win/win situation. (Edited to say I abandoned it when the SA news came out).

All Water Has Perfect Memory | Nada Samih-Rotondo
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I also got these today. The Edge of the Sea has some lovely artwork in it as well.

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Snagged today at my indie bookshop because of @iread2much and their review. 🙂 Plus, I love tea and bookshops, so it felt like a must-have.

iread2much I hope you enjoy it! I loved it 🥰💜💜💜 2mo
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hello hello books | Rockland, ME (Bookstore)
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I just signed up for libro.fm audiobooks and am having a heck of a time choosing my first book. I love that my local indie bookstore benefits from it. (Artwork by Adam Oehlers)

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Pleased to report that this isn't dull and dry like some non-fiction books are.

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According to my fb memories, I found this gem 10 years ago. It is still in my top 5 of favorite books. It is whimsical to be sure, but it is also a love letter to the book obsessed. I even made a friend of mine, who also read the book, a stuffed Bookling. (The character on the cover.) Highly recommend this one. (It does get dark and scary near the end for anyone considering this for their kiddos.)

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Love at First Book | Jenn McKinlay
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I loved this one. I stayed up way too late to finish it last night. It did have a bit more spice than I was expecting. (Again, I'm blaming the cover art.) This was also VERY emotional. I legit SOBBED at one point. And may have cried more than once. I loved everything about it, though, and highly recommend. It was this book lovers' dream. Oh, and there is a recipe for Irish whiskey shortbread in the back. (Thank you 🇮🇪 for speaking up for 🇵🇸!!)

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Today's book haul. Queen of Nothing was a gift from my daughter and is the 3rd of a series. I do already have the other two.

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The good: It kept me interested which is no small feat. I found it unexpected how one of the characters arc leaned into morally grey territory. It does have a lot of twists and character growth. The bad: I felt the author needed an editor. There were some things that were a miss. Wrong words in some cases dialog choices in others. The romance part is also quite slowburn and closed door. I might try this author again though, with her later books.

Love at First Book | Jenn McKinlay
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I'm on pango books now. Well, as a buyer. This makes 7 apps or online sources I use for thrifting books: Ebay, etsy, thriftbooks, AbeBooks, poshmark, TikTok and now pangobooks. (Always check any individual sellers reviews to avoid a bad transaction.) This doesn't include the secondhand book places I visit locally as well. I definitely have a problem. I love the bookmark this seller included! Where do you like getting your second hand books?

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I'm more than halfway now. I'm still enjoying it so I'd say that is a win. I wouldn't normally buy an entire series without knowing the author or even much about the story. It's forced marriage, slow burn enemies to lovers, and low spice among other things. Indie author. (It was absolutely gorgeous outside today.)

iread2much Great photo! 2mo
bookishbitch @iread2much thank you! 2mo
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Who else binge watched the 1st part of season 3 today? I read this book some time ago because I immediately loved Penelope. They have made some changes from the book, don't they always, but it is still delicious. (Bonus points to whoever can identify the movie my teapot is from. Also based on a book though not a romance.)

JenniferEgnor I was listening to the newest episode of The Sporkful yesterday and the host was talking to one of the cast about food and her favorite things to cook and eat. 2mo
bookishbitch @JenniferEgnor I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the info! 2mo
marleed Yes. I was also trying to see how if I could match the soundtrack to the current day songs without googling! 2mo
bookishbitch @marleed I love the music! 2mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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I really enjoyed this. I loved the main character and her snark. I like how the author put her twists on the Vampyres and Weres. I liked the storylines and the things I didn't see coming. Of course some stuff was predictable but I think that is true of most romance books. Fair warning though, it was MUCH spicier than I was expecting. I blame the cartoonish cover for throwing me off on that. I would NOT compare it to Romeo & Juliet like some are.

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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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I'm only halfway through but I love it already. It's definitely my kind of humor.

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I only recently heard about this middle reader series. I'm so glad I did. The story is excellent. Since it is a series and there is more adventure to come I will be collecting the rest. (6 more) And it has a few different cover options but I loved this artwork the most. If you like portal adventures, unicorns and dragons you might want to check these out. (It may be too scary for some children so know your reader.)

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We Free the Stars | Hafsah Faizal
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My most recent bookhaul. The tagged book is the 2nd in a duology and I already have the 1st.

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I got a new sword and scabbard. It was a gift from my husband. It is Éomer's sword Gúthwinë. I already have Éowyn's sword. They happen to be siblings. I like to pretend I am also a rider of Rohan. It is called fantasy after all. 😏

ravenlee So cool! 2mo
The_Book_Ninja Gonna slay some Orcs next time you pop to Publix? 2mo
bookishbitch @The_Book_Ninja I mean, if they can't behave they get what's coming to them! 😉 2mo
The_Book_Ninja @bookishbitch 🤣fair enough 🗡️ 2mo
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A Day of Fallen Night | Samantha Shannon
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Does anyone know if it's possible to get this without the New York Times imprint on the cover? (As a paperback.) I would also love no words on the moon but at least that doesn't interfere with the cover artwork. I abhor that they do this to covers. And it is literally printed into the cover and not a removable sticker. Why do they do this!? 😡

iread2much That is very irritating 2mo
bookishbitch @iread2much I did see some online that do not have that yellow eyesore. I will be holding out for that copy. 2mo
iread2much @bookishbitch good luck! 2mo
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Burials | Mary Anna Evans
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I finally visited my Nannys grave and discovered her headstone is wrong. She was more of a mom to me than my own. I personally believe that when we die we become part of the universe in a bigger way than stuck at our bodies resting place. (Which is why I hadn't been before.) She was 96 when she passed. The question is, what do I do about her stone? Do I risk upsetting the rest of the family by bringing it up? Why did no one else notice?

Dilara I am so sorry. This must be both upsetting and infuriating. 2mo
bookishbitch @Dilara Thank you. I am less angry and more perplexed. I do think she would want it changed. I need to look into options. 2mo
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Sending virtual hugs to those who need it today.

The Books of Magic | Neil Gaiman
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I checked this out through inter-library loan recently and finished it yesterday. It has some of the characters from the Sandman series. (Which John Constantine is also part of but I only sort of knew.) It was very good, though I admit that some parts were confusing for me. I've found when it comes to Neil it doesn't matter if you understand the ride though. It's still always interesting. At least for me.

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Lately I've been watching a lot of Jane Austen movies/mini series. I've now seen 4 versions of Persuasion, 2 of Sense and Sensibility, 2 of Emma and 3 of Pride and Prejudice. (I am including the zombie version which was more entertaining than I expected.) So when I saw this at goodwill the other day it seemed meant to be. It went immediately on my read now pile. Who else out there loves Jane Austen?

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May the fourth be with you! #happystarwarsday

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This is my 2nd late night in a row because of this book. I honestly have no idea what will happen next. Did it have shades of ACOTAR in the beginning? Yes. But many of these winged fae stories have similarities. IMO she could have used an editor in parts, but the story makes up for the small flaws. It is a slow burn which I love and hate. I am glad I got the omnibus though because of how the 1st book ended. I would have been left frustrated.

ShyBookOwl I'll check this series out. I need more fae books in my life 3mo
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My indie bookstore day purchases. Sadly I didn't know Queen of Myth and Monsters is the second in a series. It literally isn't listed anywhere on the book which is annoying. I've heard great things about Light from Uncommon Stars.

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Recently I had one of those sleepless nights which found me scrolling tiktok book videos. I found this indie author selling some damaged books for a reduced price. Did you know tiktok has a shop option? Neither did I. Anyway here is my 2am book purchase. She even signed it and sent stickers. It is a chonky 2.25 inches but is floppy which I like. (827 pgs.) The best part of an omnibus means no waiting for the next in the series. Hope I like it!

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The Foretelling | Alice Hoffman
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Happy World Book Day! I picked these up second hand at my local indie bookstore recently. Hopefully they are as good as they look.

You Exist Too Much | Zaina Arafat
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I really enjoyed the writing. The main character flips back and forth between memories of her childhood and parents to her past relationships and her role in them, both good and bad. It is a personal journey of growth and recognition of her destructive behaviors and what it took to change them. It was also a look at the possible role her parents held in that as well. I enjoyed the characters insight at the end about her mother. #freepalestine

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I finished this very late last night. Stuff was happening and I couldn't stop reading! Interestingly I never would have chosen this based on the cover. (I know. I KNOW!) A friend loaned it to me thinking I would like it. He wasn't wrong! I'm also told it is based on a d&d game the author played. Anyway if you like good vs evil, taking cats, crazy wizards, crystals, strong women characters, and fighting flying ships this might be your thing too.

iread2much Awesome photo! And I love all those things but I hated his Dresden series. If you‘ve read those, would you say this is better? I thought Dresden was an awful character 3mo
bookishbitch @iread2much I've not read any Dresden. Some people have said his writing about women in this series is way better. 3mo
iread2much @bookishbitch ah, that‘s good to know! 3mo
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Bookshops & Bonedust | Travis Baldree
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This is prequel to Legends & Lattes and it was just as wonderful. It has action, mystery, cozy vibes and good humor. Of course I loved the bookshop within and all that brought to it as well. This was such a well done story. Even though it comes before the 1st book I recommend reading them in the published order to get the full effect of the ending. (Which ties into L&L.) I look forward to any other books this author may put out.

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I am happy to report that I have yet to be disappointed by a Star Wars book. I bought this as soon as I found out who the author was. And the fact it was a General Organa story certainly didn't hurt. I really enjoyed it. Lots of action and a solid plot. I did have to look up some of the species mentioned along the way because there just are so many I can't remember them all. Book shown with my husband's recent etsy SW blaster purchase.

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I never would have chosen this book from the cover. I have to say though I'm really enjoying it. A friend thought I would like it and he wasn't wrong. This is a good lesson for me that sometimes I shouldn't judge the book based on the cover. (Tea is from Chapters called A Date with Mr. Darcy. The scone is cinnamon raisin. Both were delicious.)

Pruzy Chapters as in the Canadian bookstore chain?? 4mo
bookishbitch @Pruzy I'm unsure if they are associated. Their website is drinkchapters.com 4mo
Pruzy @bookishbitch Nope! Something different then, it‘s just funny because some locations of the Canadian bookstore chain Indigo are called Chapters (others are called Indigo, Indigo Spirit or Coles 😆). It‘s a long story, I think it has to do with consolidation with other bookstore chains in the past and different locations having different names based on size. 4mo
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Jane Austen's Letters | Jane Austen, Deirdre Le Faye
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An ebay find. It looks like a long book but that is because half of it is notes and references.

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I love rhinos & even have a favorite species. (I find black rhinos cuter.) This story goes beyond care, protection and love of rhinos though. It is also a look at one man's struggle with his mental health, and diagnosis of neuro divergence. This has some nice photos of the rhinos but also sad ones. The look at poaching is a hard thing. This was a great look at how anti-poaching units work, and sometimes don't, to safeguard rhinos in the wild.

Smrloomis Does he just stay in South Africa? Just curious! (edited) 4mo
bookishbitch @Smrloomis if you mean for good then no. 4mo
Smrloomis @bookishbitch interesting, thanks! Sometimes I don‘t love memoirs when people go to find themselves somewhere else…it really depends! 4mo
bookishbitch @Smrloomis there was never an intention to "find himself" though ultimately it helped him learn things about himself. The mental health aspect that ended his time in the unit was literally do or die for him. 4mo
Smrloomis @bookishbitch thanks, that‘s helpful to know. 4mo
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The Planet Pirates | Mccaffrey & nye & moon
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Elizabeth Moon has been on my want to read list for a while now. I have a paladin fantasy trilogy of hers I plan to read soon. I saw and nabbed this in a library resale shop recently. It is also a trilogy, albeit scifi and co-written. An interesting fact I learned about her is that she is also a former Marine. I joined in 1986. She joined in 1968, literal decades before me. This just makes me look forward to reading her even more.

iread2much I was super excited to read her books because of her background in the military as well, but I didnt enjoy the one I tried. I will look forward to your reviews and might try her books again if you like them 😊 4mo
bookishbitch @iread2much Apparently her paladin series is a classic in d&d circles. I'm probably going to start with this one though because I already have a fantasy series in progress. Crossing my fingers! 4mo
iread2much @bookishbitch I hope it‘s good! 4mo
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Apples Never Fall | Liane Moriarty
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I very much enjoy the way the author unfurls the story. Whenever you think you know something she gives you more info. A peek behind the curtain of a family and its secrets. It's also a great look at how family dynamics inform perceptions and memories. This was my 1st read by her but it won't be my last. It was a very satisfying read. That ending!!