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I finished this memoir in two days. It slid down like the perfect wine, accompanied by scintillating company. She writes from the heart, tells charming stories, and keeps her readers anxious to know her next steps. The element I loved the most in Anselmo‘s journey is that the solution doesn‘t come in the form of a man, Parisian or otherwise. Fun and poignant!

Full review www.TheBibliophage.com

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Sacre Bleu: A Comedy d'Art | Christopher Moore
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A friend gave this to me a few years ago. “I can‘t get into this, maybe you‘ll like it.” So I tried it and felt the same way. But last weekend, I started the audiobook to give it one last try. Voila! It was funny, full of art history, with a big scoop of mystery on top. Must suspend some disbelief, but that should be expected with Moore. ♥️♥️🇫🇷 🎨👨🏼‍🎨

Full review www.TheBibliophage.com
#notforaprompt #parisrelated

vivastory I was just thinking earlier that I should read him, I haven't read Moore in awhile 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @vivastory This is only my second from him. I have three more on my shelves. I def recommend this one!! 5y
vivastory I think I have this one on my they. Thanks for the recommendation 👍 5y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @vivastory You‘re welcome! I hope you like it—check out my longer blog post review too, if you didn‘t already. 5y
AlaMich Euan Morton reading Moore makes me laugh til I almost wet myself!! I loved Fool sooo much...it‘s a satire-ish story of King Lear. If you liked him doing Sacre Bleu, Fool is a must! (edited) 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AlaMich Thanks—I had the same experience! 🤣🤣🤣 I‘ll look for Fool next. 5y
Lizpixie I highly recommend audiobooking all of his novels. They‘re much funnier when read aloud. The Stupidest Angel is the only audiobook that had me giggling to myself in corners, which got my family very worried.👼🏼 5y
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