Mmmm … sheer poetry. I think this is what they call a Scottish salad! #valmcdermid #1979 #crimefiction #heartybreakfast #scotland #scottishsalad #heartattackonaplate #bookstagram #scottishnoir #books #newcrimefiction
Mmmm … sheer poetry. I think this is what they call a Scottish salad! #valmcdermid #1979 #crimefiction #heartybreakfast #scotland #scottishsalad #heartattackonaplate #bookstagram #scottishnoir #books #newcrimefiction
Life imitating art, or something like that, having watched ‘Layer Cake‘ yesterday, one of the scenes of which was filmed here. I am enjoying ‘The Death of the Fronsac‘ so far and the breakfast obviously helps too. #regencycafe #book #books #bookstagram #thedeathofthefronsac #nealascherson #breakfast #coffee #caffeine #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #wakeupandsmellthecoffin #caffeineaddict #breakfastofthegods #scottishsalad