Mmmm … sheer poetry. I think this is what they call a Scottish salad! #valmcdermid #1979 #crimefiction #heartybreakfast #scotland #scottishsalad #heartattackonaplate #bookstagram #scottishnoir #books #newcrimefiction
Mmmm … sheer poetry. I think this is what they call a Scottish salad! #valmcdermid #1979 #crimefiction #heartybreakfast #scotland #scottishsalad #heartattackonaplate #bookstagram #scottishnoir #books #newcrimefiction
Another wonderful endpaper, this time in Val McDermid‘s latest novel, ‘1979‘.
#ValMcDermid #1979 #books #book #bookstagram #bookish #fiction #scottishnoir #crimefiction #endpaper #scottishcrimefiction #booklove #scottishliterature #AllieBurns #bookphotography #bookcommunity #tetherdown
Enjoy Val McDermid‘s latest - absolutely up to her normal standard. DCI Karen Pirie is a wonderful character. #valmcdermid #stilllife #books #fiction #karenpirie #bookstagram #crimefiction #book #bookphotography #booklove #bookcommunity #bookish #booknerd #scottishfiction #scottishcrimefiction #scottishnoir
Another very entertaining addition to the John Rebus canon. See my review on LibraryThing at: http://www.librarything.com/work/21689668/reviews/.
#book #books #bookstagram #ianrankin #johnrebus #inahouseoflies #scottishnoir #policeprocedural #scottishfiction #crimefiction #scottishcrimefiction #modernfiction #edinburgh #scotland
I have only just started this but am engrossed already. John Rebus is back ... again ... #book #ianrankin #inahouseoflies #currentlyreading #books #bookstagram #scottishnoir #crimefiction #scottishcrimefiction #johnrebus #edinburgh #siobhanclarke #murder
Looking forward to reading this - picked it up this morning as part of a decent haul from @piccadillywaterstones to celebrate World Bookshop Day. #worldbookshopday #booksaremybag #ianrankin #inahouseoflies #frankkermode #shakespeareslanguage #michaelknowles #romeahistoryinsevensackings #summaryjustice #johnfairfax #piccadillywaterstones #books #bookstagram #coffeeandbooks #booksandcoffee #caffeine #caffeineaddict #reading #scottishnoir
Val McDermid is on top form@with this latest novel featuring DCI Karen Pirie. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39086134-broken-ground #book #books #valmcdermid #brokenground #currentlyreading #bookstagram #crimefiction #firstedition #scottishnoir
Enjoying this book so far, while recaffeinating in Friern Barnet. #book #books #currentlyreading #bookstagram #friernbarnet #verocaffè #coffee #coffeecompass #caffeine #caffeineaddict #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #guardianbooks #chrisbrookmyre #deadgirlwalking #scottishnoir #whatamidoinghere
Enjoying this decidedly gritty crime story set in gang-ridden Glasgow in 1973. A worthy addition to the burgeoning Scottish noir genre. #alanparks #bloodyjanuary #scottishnoir #glasgow #crimefiction #scottishcrimefiction #1970s #scottishfiction #modernfiction #policeprocedural #contemporaryfiction #contemporaryliterature
Simply amazing. One of the best ten if fifteen novels I have read this decade, maybe even this century. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18807416-the-amber-fury #nataliehaynes #theamberfury #thefuries #greektragedy #classics #greekdrama #classicslgreekdrama #classicalgreekliterature #literature #scottishnoir #crime #fiction #edinburgh #scotland