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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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#booksandcoffee #porchlife #CampLitsy24 #June

In love with this book.

I am in Eastern US. What time is discussion?

Megabooks Sometime this morning Barbara will post. Generally, we post in afternoon UK/Europe, mid-morning East coast, early morning west coast. Can‘t wait to read what everyone thinks! 2mo
julieclair Gorgeous porch! 2mo
squirrelbrain What @julieclair said! (And what @Megabooks said too of course!) 2mo
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marleed I like be your porch scene! 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Lovely set up! 2mo
kspenmoll @julieclair @squirrelbrain @marleed @Chelsea.Poole Thanks so much- my favorite reading spot! 2mo
monalyisha You‘ve created the perfect complementary color scheme with your blanket & mug! 💚🌊🌧️🩵 1mo
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Doctored Evidence | Donna Leon
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Morning coffee. A treat: apple cider donut #booksandcoffee #serieslove2024 #readaway2024

Happy Saturday all! We are waiting for our first snow tonight.❄️🌨️

Andrew65 A perfect way to spend a Saturday, especially if snow is on the way. 7mo
MittenGirlPeach We still have nothing . . . gloomy and grey. Hoping for some next week! 7mo
Daisey Wonderful way to start a Saturday! 7mo
TheSpineView Coffee and a book, heaven! 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 7mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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#bookmail A friend sent this book of Buddhist parables to help clear my mind in these turbulent times.
I could not locate it in the database. #booksandcoffee

Volleyball: Steps to Success | Bonnie Kenny, Cindy Gregory
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Taking a few minutes before a long day of volleyball with Malorie.

#booksandcoffee #saturdays

Stealth | Stuart Woods
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Carmella making a rare appearance in my Sunday morning reading routine because, stealth. 🤣

#catsoflitsy #sundays #booksandcoffee

dabbe Hello there, Cute Carmella! 🖤🐾🖤 11mo
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Ikenga | Nnedi Okorafor
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Enjoying this beautiful morning outdoors and starting my new-to-me #AuthorAMonth pick.

#enjoytheday #booksandcoffee #birdsong


Soubhiville I look forward to your review! I haven‘t read this one. 11mo
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Kid#2 wanted to christen her new glass/mug (right). We made iced decaf 'dalgona'-ish coffee and kiddo went off with my copy of the tagged book. 😁

#BooksAndCoffee #CoffeeAndBooks

emz711 🥐🥐☕nice! 12mo
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Tentacle | Rita Indiana
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Waiting for Mrs B to have an eye test, popped out for a coffee, tempted by the breakfast bagel! ☕🥯📖
#BooksAndCoffee #BooksAndBagels

thebackyardgnome I love bagrls! Wish you could just buy thrm in bakeries over here. 1y
thebackyardgnome Oh, and your pfp is the cover of my favourit album! 1y
Bookwomble @thebackyardgnome Where's "over here"? ? I love the Low album, too (obviously ?), and just about everything David recorded. A colleague I worked with in the 80s said he reckoned if David farted into the microphone, I'd buy the recording of it, and I don't think he was wrong! ?‍????? 1y
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Fool Moon | Jim Butcher
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#janeandtheexcellentreadalong #serieslove2023 #book7
#booksandcoffee. Began this book this morning, but was interrupted by a visit to the vet. Poe has not eaten, drunk water, or peed since Saturday. He is staying for hydration, blood work, x-rays. His breathing had been somewhat labored which a concern since he has always had a heart murmur. Appreciate good wishes, thought, prayers- thank you Littens. 💜

MicheleinPhilly ☹️ Best wishes for a speedy recovery. ❤️ 1y
Jess861 Thoughts with you and Poe! 1y
SamAnne Sending healing vibes. 1y
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TheSpineView Poor Poe! Hope he is better soon! 1y
kspenmoll @MicheleinPhilly @Jess861 @SamAnne @TheSpineView Thank you all so much! I so appreciate your best wishes. Warms my heart. 💕 1y
janeycanuck Thinking about you both ❤️ 1y
dabbe Feel better, Poe! Thinking of you and dat Powerful Poe! C'mon, strong kitty! ❣️🐾❣️ 1y
Ruthiella Sending best wishes for Poe. Poor kitty. ❤️😿 1y
ravenlee Oh, poor baby. Sending love and cuddles. 1y
Jas16 Poor Poe! Thinking of you both. 1y
Andrew65 Sending positive thoughts and he is in my prayers 🙏 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Poor baby. 1y
kspenmoll @MicheleinPhilly @Jess861 @SamAnne @TheSpineView @janeycanuck @dabbe @Ruthiella @ravenlee @Jas16 @Andrew65 @Crinoline_Laphroaig Thank you all so much! Update on Poe: no congestive heart failure 💃 no virus, bacterial infection, lungs clear, no abdominal issue, kidney issue.Nothing conclusive. Put a patch in his ear to stimulate appetite, IV fluids, potassium level low. Still has not eaten tonight. (edited) 1y
eri.reads Sending prayers and hugs. Hope he feels better soon. 🙏🏼🫂 1y
batsy Sending good vibes to Poe! Hope the little guy is back to himself soon 🐈💜 1y
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