Two books I hope two get through this weekend - #Gemina by #amiekaufman and #jaykristoff and #serpentking by #jeffzentner which is the #foreveryoungadult book club pick for the month.
Two books I hope two get through this weekend - #Gemina by #amiekaufman and #jaykristoff and #serpentking by #jeffzentner which is the #foreveryoungadult book club pick for the month.
Yay! It's lunch time for me. I have leftover pizza from #nationalcheesepizzaday. What's for lunch?
#LilBookishAugust: Navy & Green Books.
#navyandgreenbooks #navybooks #greenbooks #serpentking #aliceinzombieland #forgivemyfins #insurgent #tempestrising #funkopop #popvinyl