Thanks to @TobeyTheScavengerMonk for the #halloweenhaiku prompt. Here's my submission to Litsy's howling horde of halloween haikus. #happyhalloween #halloween #shocktober
Thanks to @TobeyTheScavengerMonk for the #halloweenhaiku prompt. Here's my submission to Litsy's howling horde of halloween haikus. #happyhalloween #halloween #shocktober
Every day leading up to Halloween, I'll be posting a two sentence horror story. If you enjoy trick-or-treating, pop on over to my Medium or Twitter page for more these short stories. I'll see you again tomorrow for another one of these twisted little licorices of fright. #imaginaryfriends #imaginaryfiends #hesnotbakingapizza #shocktober #horrorween #writersoflitsy #7daysofhorror #flashfiction #horror #spooktober #chills #run
Every day leading up to Halloween, I'll be posting a two sentence horror story, saving the "more unsettling ones" for my Medium and Twitter feeds. If you enjoy trick-or-treating, I'll see you again tomorrow for another one of these twisted little licorices of fright. #icecream #youscream #suburban #trapped #shocktober #horrorween #writersoflitsy #7daysofhorror #flashfiction #horror #shortstory #spooktober #chills #run
Every day leading up to Halloween, I'll be posting a two sentence horror story, saving the "more unsettling ones" for my Medium and Twitter feeds. If you enjoy trick-or-treating, I'll see you again tomorrow for another one of these twisted little licorices of fright. #shocktober #horrorween #writersoflitsy #7daysofhorror #flashfiction #horror #shortstory #changeling #keepyourarmsandlegsinsidethevehicle #rollercoaster #spooktober #chills #run
Every day leading up to Halloween, I'll be posting a two sentence horror story, saving the "more unsettling ones" for my Medium and Twitter feeds. If you enjoy trick-or-treating, I'll see you again tomorrow for another one of these twisted little licorices of fright. #shocktober #horrorween #writersoflitsy #7daysofhorror #flashfiction #horror #shortstory #strangerdanger #notagirlscout #spooktober #chills #run
Every day leading up to Halloween, I'll be posting a two sentence horror story, saving the "more unsettling ones" for my Medium and Twitter feeds. If you enjoy trick-or-treating, I'll see you again tomorrow for another one of these twisted little licorices of fright. #changeling #seriousmaritalproblems #tidewontgetthatout #shocktober #horrorween #writersoflitsy #7daysofhorror #flashfiction #horror #shortstory #spooktober #chills #run