#BookReport 28/23
Another good week. I enjoyed the tagged one (another J Robert Lennon 😇) and Hijab Butch Blues a lot. Woman Running in the Mountains was enjoyable too, The Finkler Question super annoying.
#BookReport 28/23
Another good week. I enjoyed the tagged one (another J Robert Lennon 😇) and Hijab Butch Blues a lot. Woman Running in the Mountains was enjoyable too, The Finkler Question super annoying.
J Robert Lennon‘s backlist is still rewarding. This is an outstanding collection of very short stories (most are 2 pages) that manage to pack a punch nevertheless. I keep repeating myself but he really is such a clever and entertaining writer!
Flash fiction excellence. Razor-sharp, small but mighty tales of demons & ghosts from beyond & within. My favorite was a tale of a ghost hunter called in by a teen‘s mom, “A Vocabulary for the Haunted.” Kulpa never disappoints. #flashfiction #5stars #ghosts
An #anthology of short fairytale-like vignettes, revolving around the theme of cunning (but cute) foxes.
It proves that flash fiction can form valid, interesting stories.
A light, refreshing read, with some #lgbtq rep. I‘m reading another book by this author right now, but—while I like it—I‘m not in the mood for it much. This was a pleasant break.
Something different.
This flapper had a fun time reading my flash fiction with students & colleagues at the Writespace Houston Spooky Tales reading last night. Except for that writer dressed as Mike Myers lurking in the trees. Too realistic, dude! #ghoststories #flashfiction #shortstory #writingworkshops
I am forever chasing a pre-critical capacity for simple truths, the ability to be moved without thinking. This is why I loved Chere Taylor‘s piece. I am in awe of her talent in being able to deliver such an experience in so few words.
#athinsliceofanxiety #fiction #flashfiction #magazine
The book explores the human relationships to the music, what music can offer in the different situations. The story of music is told through anecdotes, snippets of history from all the around the world, and without classic narrator. Some parts/sentences are beautiful written, but story as a whole was too fragmented and experimental for me. #Booked2021 - musical instrument on cover
Reading this for a workshop I will be taking. It takes a lot of skill to create an impactful teeny tiny story!
Solo quando sei solo, senza niente e nessuno su cui contare, quando tutti sono contro di te, sai che puoi davvero fare quello che pensi di volere.
Feeling inspired by all of the voices, advice, and stories collected here. Ready to get back into writing flash fiction.