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This year‘s #StellaPrize shortlist. I can‘t believe Hydra is on there. I thought it was terrible.

LeeRHarry I haven‘t heard of any of them tbh. 1y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry Not exactly crowd pleasers😆 This one sounds interesting 1y
Freespirit I don‘t know them either 🤷‍♀️ 1y
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Tamra I don‘t recognize them either. 1y
thegreensofa I don‘t know any of them, too. 1y
Jeg I‘ve requested them from the library. Just two not in their system yet. I‘m about to start the first one. Hoping they all don‘t turn up at once! 1y
CarolynM @Jeg I‘ll be interested to see what you think of them, especially Hydra. 1y
Jeg Just started the tagged book. 1y
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The Erratics | Vicki Laveau-Harvie
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This year‘s #stellaprize winner is a very strange but beautifully (if unusually) written memoir of two sisters dealing with the fall out of ageing parents. Although in this case the mother is bats*$t crazy and at serious risk of killing her dominated husband or send them both broke chasing internet scams.

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The Erratics | Vicki Laveau-Harvie
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It‘s the end of the school holidays here. My kids have been madly building LEGO creations - this one is a boarding school - while I‘ve been reading this remarkable memoir. #stellaprize

LapReader Much nicer rooms than at my boarding school. 5y
MrsMalaprop We‘re at the end of week one here in WA. I‘d like to read this one. 5y
Jeg Sounds like something I might like. Shall add it to my list. 5y
Joanne1 @LapReader they‘re quite lush, clearly boarding school is just a fictional place for them both! @MrsMalaprop good luck with week 2, mine a back at school tomorrow. @Jeg definitely worth a read and it‘s not a long book so you‘ll get through it very quickly. 5y
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Bluebottle | Belinda Castles
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I really enjoyed this story, I think mostly because the characters were so good. Three siblings growing up with a very unpredictable, probably mentally unwell, father and the resulting impact of that childhood as it reverberated through their lives, each in a different way. It‘s told both from the past and the present and has a sinister mystery threaded through each storyline. #ozfiction #stellaprize

The Erratics | Vicki Laveau-Harvie
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Tackling the #Stellaprize winner this week

The Bridge | Enza Gandolfo
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Apart from a couple of bits that I didn‘t buy or were a bit jarring this was a really good book, my second favourite on the #stellaprize shortlist so far (but I haven‘t read the winner yet). The devastating ripple effects of twin tragedies and the complex nature to teen friendship were both dealt with honestly and with compassion. The familiar setting also made the book more real for me.

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The Bridge | Enza Gandolfo
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I‘ve been looking forward to this #Stellaprize short list read #indiebuddyreads

RadicalReader Beautiful book cover 5y
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The Bridge | Enza Gandolfo
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Despite the fact that this story is set before I was born there is something very familiar about it. Perhaps because I‘ve been driving over the bridge in question since I was a small girl. #stellaprize #oxfiction

CarolynM My next read🙂 5y
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The Erratics | Vicki Laveau-Harvie
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I loved this memoir. Vicki Laveau-Harvie tells the story of her parents with warmth, dark humour & compelling, can‘t-put-it-down prose. Her parents are dysfunctional & her mother a villain - you could not make up these stories. Laveau-Harvie is honest about how this has affected her, but sees the comic side & is a wonderfully warm, engaging story-teller. A unique story but the family issues will resonate widely. Highly recommended. #StellaPrize

JennyM Such a lovely pic. The book sounds great, and the cover is beautiful 5y
Abailliekaras Thanks @JennyM - yes I definitely recommend this one! 5y
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Eggshell Skull | Bri Lee
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This is an enormously difficult memoir to read and is a very grim portrayal of how awful men can be. Trigger warnings for just about everything. #stellaprize