I thought it'd be a good idea to reconfirm with @saresmoore and @DeborahSmall and @KellyMuser that we're still on for buddy-reading this in July. (I promise I'll do my best not to bail! 😍) Anybody else who's interested, please let us know by leaving a comment! @MrBook I think you might have been considering joining us, right?)
Bambolina_81 This is a beautiful book! I hope you all enjoy it. 8y
DeborahSmall I'll get it ordered this week 8y
saresmoore Yes! I'm looking forward to it. 🙂 8y
See All 50 Comments
Lindy Such a great book. I might reread it in July with you. 8y
shawnmooney @Lindy Music to my ears! 🎼🎼🎼 8y
vivastory I'm definitely game for reading this one with the group! 8y
Hobbinol I have the Winter Book (unread), and if I get a copy of the Summer book by then, I'd love to join in. (I know I'll be reading my last Proust volume in July though, so I might fall behind.) I'll give you a definite maybe. (edited) 8y
vivastory @hobbinol whispers "Do it, all of the cool kids will be reading Jansson..." ? 8y
KellyMuser Count me in. 👍 8y
LeahBergen I have this one! Count me in. 👏🏻 8y
shawnmooney @DeborahSmall @saresmoore @Lindy @vivastory @Hobbinol @leahbergen @Kellymuser This is going to be fun! Hobbinol darling, the book is under 200 pages so we fully expect your sunny wise participation! 😻😻 8y
Hobbinol Okay. Okay. Okay. 😊 8y
andrew61 As per our discussion on another thread please add me in to the discussion shawn 8y
shawnmooney @andrew61 Will do! 😘😘 8y
saresmoore @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Here's a little healthy peer pressure to get you to join our buddy read! 8y
batsy It turns out I have a copy of this, along with two other of her adult novels that I haven't read. 😳 May I please join this lovely group in an effort to read what's actually on my shelves 😓 8y
shawnmooney @batsy Yes! ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
batsy @shawnmooney 💜 8y
christineandbooks I saw @DeborahSmall mention this buddy read... I was planning to read this book this summer anyway. Is it okay if I join? 8y
DeborahSmall @arlenefinnigan you are the biggest moomins fan I know you should join us with this very short book! 😘 8y
arlenefinnigan @DeborahSmall ohhhh I love that book! So sweet. 8y
ScorpioBookDreams I'd love to join too. Thanks for inviting me @DeborahSmall 8y
DeborahSmall @ScorpioBookDreams brilliant 😘 8y
shawnmooney @DeborahSmall @saresmoore @Lindy @vivastory @Hobbinol @LeahBergen @KellyMuser @andrew61 @batsy @christineandbooks @ScorpioBookDreams Wow this is shaping up to be a big crowd - wonderful - the more the merrier! 8y
shawnmooney @arlenefinnigan @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Please confirm whether you'll be taking part. Thanks! 8y
DeborahSmall @shawnmooney no bailing 😂 8y
vivastory @Nat_Reads Interested in joining the Jansson buddy read? 8y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Count me in! Thanks. 8y
arlenefinnigan @shawnmooney yeah go on 😊 8y
Nat_Reads @vivastory YES! Yay! Thank you for thinking of me 👏👏❤️ 8y
shawnmooney @DeborahSmall @saresmoore @Lindy @vivastory @Hobbinol @LeahBergen @KellyMuser @andrew61 @batsy @christineandbooks @ScorpioBookDreams @TobeyTheScavengerMonk @arlenefinnigan @Nat_Reads Whew - this is the biggest number of buddy readers i've ever seen! I'd appreciate it if someone could review the comment thread and make sure I haven't missed anybody but I think I've got everyone. Copying and pasting all of our IDs will be cumbersome… 8y
shawnmooney So I suggest that instead we all review all the posts under the title/author and that none of us tag the entire list on our posts. Does that sound OK? If you are replying to somebody's specific comment, feel free to tag them, but I think, given the large number of buddy readers, global tagging should be kept to a minimum. If any of you have a better idea, suggest away! (I did think about having a hashtag for.... 8y
shawnmooney ... this buddy read, but couldn't imagine what the benefit would be of that over us each reviewing all recent posts under the title. 8y
christineandbooks I still plan to join in. I have never done a buddy read before so I am not entirely sure I know how it works. But I'm sure I will catch on! Thanks for organizing! Also just got my copy from Book Depository so I am all set! 8y
saresmoore @shawnmooney I agree that posting under the same book heading will be the most effective! However, for archival purposes, I think a hashtag would be beneficial, as well. #SummerBookBuddyRead (capitalization optional) I'm sure everyone will catch on. 🙂 8y
arlenefinnigan @saresmoore yeah that sounds good! 8y
shawnmooney @saresmoore You have easily convinced me! However, I have a slight concern that your hashtag is generic enough that your legion of fans, not to mention everybody else's, might think it's a general summer reading hashtag and adopt it for their various summer reads too– I suggest something more along the lines of #JanssonBuddyRead just to avoid that confusion? 8y
DeborahSmall Hashtag better than tagging so many people. Definitely post under book title and use #janssonbuddyread. Plan on starting book tomorrow, everyone else still on for 1st? 8y
saresmoore @shawnmooney Haha! Great point! I thought about that after I posted it. #JanssonBuddyRead sounds great. I'll do a post so's the fans can be duly informed. 8y
DeborahSmall @shawnmooney @saresmoore ^^^^ 8y
saresmoore @DeborahSmall Me, too! 8y
Lindy @shawnmooney There should be a copy of Summer Book waiting at the library when I arrive home in a few days. Looking forward to joining the #JanssonBuddyRead. 😊 8y
shawnmooney I still think it's a good idea to tag people when you reply to their comments because, so far as I understand it, no matter how many of the same hashtags you put on one post, including in the comments section, you'll only get taken to that page once. Relying only on the hash tag might mean that comments replying to your comment to another's post might get missed if everyone only scrolls through the hashtag list. 8y
shawnmooney OK, I have given myself a headache - time for bed! LOL 8y
DeborahSmall @shawnmooney agreed, but hashtag handy if we have been so engrossed in reading and want to catch up with any on going chats. The hashtag will bring us up to date at the very least if we're not active in a discussion. Good night 😘 8y
batsy Yes using a hashtag is great and will definitely help in terms of trying to find posts! Thanks for coming up with one, I was gonna suggest #summerbuddies or something terrible like that 😁 8y
KellyMuser @shawnmooney I'm next in line for the ebook from my library, so hopefully any day now. I'll see you all at #JanssonBuddyRead 8y
mklong I have no business joining another buddy read as my plate is over full anyway, but I can't resist this one. I'm in! 8y
Nat_Reads I'm in!!!! 8y
Theresa Is it too late to join in? I was about to pick this book up to read before my trip to Helsinki next month when I saw that this readalong is happening. 8y