Well, it‘s a lot better with the context of the first two books but still not my favorite.
Well, it‘s a lot better with the context of the first two books but still not my favorite.
Do you pick the book or does the book pick you? I knew I wanted to cleanse the palate with classic fiction. Thought maybe Hunchback or Princess Bride (maybe only the movie is classic😁). My eyes landed on this. Lightbulb. Plus my 11 year old daughter wants to read it. She's developing a taste for classic literature.(She loved P&P). Here's to having the book pick you to read it.
I did not realize we got to Opar so early in the series!
Tarzan soothes a broken heart by… becoming a French spy? Lots of fun when ERB isn‘t being racist.
Reading this with a friend of mine for our 2-person book club. Pretty good so far!
I am posting one book per day from my extensive, and ever growing, TBR shelves. Some are old and some are new, some were gifts and some I don't remember why I bought them.
Day 34
(1975) J.T. Edson's career was built on paperback westerns, but he was also apparently a fan of pulp adventure, and wrote four books about Tarzan's adopted son Bunduki having jungle adventures on an alien planet. The series was aimed at a men's market, where women characters are introduced with bust-waist-hip measurements and weapons are introduced with footnotes. I swear I am not making this up, and it makes me wish Litsy had a "WTF??" rating.
(1974) Sequel to Farmer's "Hadon of Ancient Opar", though it's not so much a sequel as book two of a two-volume novel, which is not so much a novel as a long piece of Tarzan/Quatermain fanfic. It's okay for what it is. I expect it would appeal most to those who know the Burroughs and Haggard novels well enough to catch the references better than I do.