First order from ThriftBooks. Most were in good condition. “She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.” – Louisa May Alcott #thriftbooks #anemberintheashes #louisamayalcott #thedeadtossedwaves
First order from ThriftBooks. Most were in good condition. “She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.” – Louisa May Alcott #thriftbooks #anemberintheashes #louisamayalcott #thedeadtossedwaves
"They ripple and swell, the bodies of the Mudo, like the ocean. Like the dead-tossed waves."
-- The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
I love The Forest of Hands and Teeth series. It mixes my love for zombies with beautiful, yet haunting prose. I've always loved the titles to this series. I felt like deadtossedwaves was perfect for me. ???????
#bookstagram #thedeadtossedwaves #carrieryan #ocean #zombies #theforestofhandsandteeth