Adding to my stack of The Women‘s Prize longlist titles. These are drool-worthy covers. I hope they read as well as they look! #thewomensprizelonglist2018 #nosuchthingastoomanybooks 📚📚
Adding to my stack of The Women‘s Prize longlist titles. These are drool-worthy covers. I hope they read as well as they look! #thewomensprizelonglist2018 #nosuchthingastoomanybooks 📚📚
Sunday afternoon reading on my Kindle. Can‘tput it down. #thewomensprizelonglist2018 #ebook #currentlyreading
My current stack of The Women‘s Prize longlist. The two books at the top of the stack are from the library, but the rest are mine, and I ordered 3 more today. I may be crazy, but I love my book stacks📚📚 #thewomensprizelonglist2018 #nosuchthingastoomanybooks