Hitchens on Mother Teresa
Hitchens on Mother Teresa
This is a great question that should be asked in every debate. And I liked this portion of Tony Blair's answer.
The words on the bottom are "stand a second look."
Hitchens: Religion forces nice people to do unkind things and also makes intelligent people say stupid things. Handed a small baby for the first time is it your reaction to think Beautiful, almost perfect. Now please hand me the sharp stone for its genitalia that I may do the work of the Lord.
WHAT???? I had no idea that this debate took place. I also didn't know that they turned it into a book. Nor was I even aware of something called the Munk Debates! But now that I am, I just added another nine books to my TBR!
Have always held an interest in this case since the early 2000's when I worked for the MOD, and was shocked at how this poor guy was treated at the time. Apart from highlighting several interesting inconsistencies in how this case was investigated, didn't really persuade me that this was a huge conspiracy. I felt a lot of the inconsistencies the author detailed were just due to human errors in attribution/memory, and poor bureaucracy
This happens all too often! 😱😡