My nephew is obsessed with the Predator franchise. Thought I'd make him a nice notebook for his birthday. Suffice to say he was most chuffed
My nephew is obsessed with the Predator franchise. Thought I'd make him a nice notebook for his birthday. Suffice to say he was most chuffed
A lovely, charming, strange and wonderful sci-fi novel. Tells the story of the survivor of a shipwreck off the coast of Australia, and how he survived for 8 days partly due to the presence and protection offered by someone (or something) which bound him to life. Which then follows, or haunts, his life thereafter. The story is ultimately about the struggle to survive, and how we cling to life, and how no one can survive on their own
'What if the Dark Lord actually won?'. A brilliant start to this series. Never read Brandon Sanderson before, but definitely going to delve into his vast back catalogue after this gem!
My son asked for a snake-themed book. Another happy customer me thinks
Built myself a book press so I can make notebooks at home now. My 6-year old daughter put in the first order - a rainbow notebook. She will have a lovely surprise in the morning when she wakes up!
A thoroughly enjoyable and informative book about the Chernobyl disaster in the mid-80s. Shocking how foreign governments, not just the Soviets, tried to silence the growing body of evidence of health problems associated with long-term, low-level radiation exposure. All to deflect attention away from the adverse health impact of decades of nuclear bomb testing. An important read
First time I've read Lovecraft. Bloody loved it. Very creepy, and I love the idea of the Old Ones wanting to return to earth from the cosmological abyss to wreck havoc and horror
Minding my own business, reading my book in the sunshine on the terrace at Liverpool Library and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, hail! Thanks British weather, again...
Another great novel by Lebbon. The basic plot is that there is a secret trade in relics going on in the unseen world that thrives beneath London. Artefacts from a time long gone, priceless objects that come from mythical beasts. But are these really relics of eons ago, or more fresh....
Set to be a lovely and sunny Easter weekend in Manchester. Bit of gardening, BBQ and lots of reading and tea!
Very funny introduction by Warren Ellis to the second volume. Made me chuckle
Another great story from this author. Bit more of a slow-burn creepy one in comparison to Head Full of Ghosts and Cabin in the Woods. But equally chilling. 5 stars
Had another great bookbinding instructional week. Awesome instructor (Lori Sauer - check her out on facebook). Keen to start developing some designs and handing out personalised gifts to friends and family soon!
What a wacky, off the wall book. Loved it! Hard to describe it really, as 'science-fantasy' doesn't seem to fully encapsulate it. I recommend wholeheartedly, had a really great time reading this today
Was a strange and surreal book. Subtle yet beautiful artwork. Obviously as a beardy-weirdy myself I was drawn to this like a moth to a flame....or like soup to a beard...
Been holding off on this for a while. I'm staying in a huge spooky-looking mansion for the week on a course in the Wiltshire countryside (Tedworth House), so thought now would be the perfect time to start this series. And now to sleep with the lights on!
I knew I was going to love this book based on recommendations from people who know me. Wasn‘t disappointed. I spend a lot of my professional life explaining some of these concepts when I deliver CBT, so some of it wasn‘t new. But I learned loads of new critical analysis techniques, and totally changed my perspective about the current ‘state‘ of the world. Would definitely recommend
Happy Friday everyone! Got my graphic novel reading for the weekend lined up.
Library hold just came in. Score!
Really enjoyed these volumes. Some mediocre stories but on the whole a very entertaining series
A strange dystopian society where 'truth ' is valued above all else, and lies are punished severely. Policed by agents of the Speculative Service, whose job is to maintain the 'established truth' using their weird 'lie detector' psychic abilities, this book paints a disturbing look at the nature of reality and what is actually true. Very interesting and enjoyable. I also loved his Last Policeman series
Sort-of, not quite, but kinda-is book related. Just completed another bookbinding tutorial week. Great fun
Really digging this author right now. This is the first of a duology (next one out in Jun I believe). The story is simple: the world is freezing, a new ice age is descending rapidly; humanity forced to relocate; scientists trying to figure out what is causing it; strange anomaly discovered close to the sun; what the fudge?! Loved every minute of this story, great sci-fi fare
Have always held an interest in this case since the early 2000's when I worked for the MOD, and was shocked at how this poor guy was treated at the time. Apart from highlighting several interesting inconsistencies in how this case was investigated, didn't really persuade me that this was a huge conspiracy. I felt a lot of the inconsistencies the author detailed were just due to human errors in attribution/memory, and poor bureaucracy
Just finished this trilogy and am glad to report it has a very satisfying ending. I haven't heard anything about this author writing anything else so far, but would be all over that if anyone knows of anything else he has done? Planning to do?
Wow, what a 'monster' of a volume...(see what I did there). I liked the expansion of the story/world from the second movie, moved in some really interesting directions. Volume 2 locked and loaded. Fingers crossed for rain this weekend, then I have an excuse to stay in and read/drink coffee and not have to sort the garden out
I've had these on my shelf for too long now, so thought I'd give them a try. Just finished The Passage and loved it. Cannot wait to get stuck into the next two.
A tragic plane crash occurs over England, the survivors quickly realise the world they have crashed into is very different from the one they left. Five passengers seem to hold clues about what is going on, and as the truth is pieced together, they realise they have the power to change the past and future, and save our world. Or end it! Five stars, great story ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A fantastically enjoyable story set in one of my most beloved worlds! Can't wait for the next few novels in the series
Fast-paced, adrenaline fuelled romp through big data, the surveillance state and the dangers of our connected and online lives. A simple story arc, but still quite worrying in how real this is/could be in the near future. Don't forget to place your mobile phone battery in the fridge while reading this so 'they' can't track you...
Another great story from this author. Twisty, suspenseful time travel story about the American Dream. Loved the audio version. Highly recommend
I was told before I tried this that it was a bit confusing. And to be honest, it was mega confusing in parts. But such compelling reading. Cannot wait for the next in the trilogy. Mathematical sci-fi, who'd have thunk it!
Well, after reading this book I wanted to punch every man in the face (starting with myself!). A great 'what if?' story that is so fitting in our current climate. Disturbing premise that makes you think 'Well that would just never happen'... but then it does actually sound very plausible. Women robbed of their rights, limited to 100 words a day and subjugated. Man reins supreme, and the woman's place is the kitchen and in the bedroom. Terrifying!
Love everything Disney, I'm a big kid at heart. Love sharing these things with my kids too. Just about to embark on our fifth Disney trip to Paris next month and thought I would learn a little about the big man himself. Really enjoyed this book, kept me interested the whole way through. You would think a very detailed description of the development of a company and brand would be boring but it really isn't.
Lots to say about this book, but I'm not very good at expressing myself. If you have any interest in how major events over the 8 year's of the Obama presidency have been shaped by decades of world history, and how these events will go on to further shape the world to come, you need to read this book. Very informative and well written.
Quite possibly the best epigraph I‘ve seen. Boom Boom!
I'm not normally a short story person, but after loving the broken earth trilogy from this author, had to give it a try. And boy was I not disappointed! I can't decide which was my favourite story, they were all 5 stars. I'm sure this book has spoiled me for other short story collections, but has made me want to try others regardless
What an intriguing and weird graphic novel. Liking where the story is (I think) going. Similar art work to Mind MGMT, very trippy too
Super creepy but great story. I‘m looking forward to following this series through
What a strange series. Loved it! Weaves in the various UFO stories of lore with historical ‘fact‘, as well as a blurring of the theories that UFO‘s are ‘nuts and bolts‘ phenomena vs more mystical, transcendental ‘John Keel‘ type occurrences. A nice graphic novel to start the new year on.
If you like the weirdness and general batshit storylines from Welcome to the Night Vale, then you will probably dig this book by the creator of said craziness. Keisha's wife goes missing, presumed dead, and so Keisha travels the highways of America as a trucker, searching for answers, coming up against monsters, crimes, government conspiracies, haunted service stations and an age old darkness...
Lovely, heartwarming little book. 12 short stories, 12 Christmas recipes, and a dash of magic. Perfect
Unfortunately DNF this book. Went in with good intentions, but found it quite boring if I'm honest. Some good ideas for improving our powers of selective attention, but ultimately was a series of quotes and passages from various Sherlock Holmes stories, analysed in a bland way. Shame, have been meaning to read this for a while and thought it would be juicy and thought provoking - only managed half of the book, now need to move on
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Interesting time-travel story, with super artwork. Would highly recommend
I thoroughly enjoyed this book so I did. Team of intrepid ‘mystery hunters‘ attempt to rediscover a historic cave of doom in the Grand Canyon for their cable TV series called ‘The Anomaly Files‘. What will they find? Hidden treasure, evidence of lost civilisations, the ark of the covenant, monsters?!?!? It‘s monsters....or is it...
Murder mystery set in London, against the larger backdrop of a worldwide pandemic called ‘the sweats‘. Great start to a trilogy (Plague Times Trilogy)