#onewordtitle #riotgrams
Great series 😀
#onewordtitle #riotgrams
Great series 😀
I've been stuck in a reading slump the last few months. I thought that setting some reading goals for 2017 would help, but so far nothing has changed. With blizzard conditions and over 30cm of snow in the forecast for this weekend, I expect to be housebound. I'm going to push myself to do the #24in48 readathon - maybe it will be the kick in the butt I need! Who else has struggled with a reading slump?
#slumpbegone #toomanytbr
Sorry life, I've got reading to do. #toomanyTBR #nosuchthingastoomanybooks
Halfway thru this one- and loving it so far. Reading 5 books at once, so I'm way behind on listing them! #bookishproblems #toomanyTBR!