Here are the books I read for January! Combination of reading and audio books! #aishareads #30readsbefore30 #readingisfundamental
Here are the books I read for January! Combination of reading and audio books! #aishareads #30readsbefore30 #readingisfundamental
First book of 2019! I am a big fan of celeb memoirs and this one did not disappoint. I could have done without the bad language, but what can you do? 🤷🏼♀️ Her mom was THE BEST! I imagined her mom in homemade vests and turtlenecks, even though she is from Arizona! Ha. I loved her insight on Freaks and Geeks and have started watching again! #celebmemoirs #popsugarchallenge #30before30
First book of 2019! I am a huge fan of celebrity memoirs and this was a hit. I wasn‘t a big fan of the the bad language but it is what it is. 🤷🏼♀️ I loved her insight on Freaks & Geeks, which I am now rewatching and it was a crazy story about Blades of Glory!! I don‘t know much about her influence now but I will be checking up on her! #30before30 #popsugaryearlychallenge #audiobook
It‘s been two months. I‘m in South Korea with my husband, the dust is settling. I finished Home Front not knowing it was about the military and I loved it! There were times Logan overheard the audiobook and was intrigued at times and it opened a dialogue about his military career he is pursuing. #readingandcrossstitching #militaryspouse
I started a new hobby! Slowly but surely and I plan to listen to all the books I have waiting for me on #Libby. #crossstitch #audiobooks #newhobby
I have been reading reviews for “Good Morning, Midnight” all morning and I just want to read it NOW and I‘m still debating if I should participate in the #24in48 🤔 #readingforfun #readingtoescape
Finally! A friend that checks out #listy! Welcome @dselk to the wonderful world of reading! Now you can post about your reading and keep inspiring me from Canada 🇨🇦!! #listynewbie #roommatesthatread @LitsyWelcomeWagon
When #JennaFischer A.K.A #PamBeesly picks out your next book. I got this instantly off the #libby app and I‘m hooked! Especially since I‘m in the process of trying to go move to South Korea to be with my husband. #YeonmiPark is three years younger than me but has endured more than I can imagine. I have to keep reminding myself that this isn‘t a story of the past but of the present!
It‘s summer time. I‘m trying to escape from the world and read while I wait until I am able to join Logan in South Korea. #backtothelibrary #familiesarecool #memoir
“Also, dogs are faithful and they do not tell lies because they cannot talk. “ it‘s been awhile, but I finished this book today! It‘s the book that connected me and my older, cooler cousin.
I‘m just finishing up this books and it‘s perfect timing 👌🏾 because my boyfriend is graduating from basic training from the army and I get to see him in 5 days! I told him about this book on the phone and via letter and he seemed interested, he likes self help books and I‘m excited to share it with him! #coupleswhoread #selfhelp #selfcare #overdrive #audiobook
I am determined to finish A Wrinkle in Time and get back into reading more. So share with me what you are reading! #backtobasics #damnyounetflix #shareyourlibrary #onmybookshelf
“Sometimes a story is all you have, sometimes that can be enough.” This is a great coming of age story of a young boy learning to forgive himself and live his life to the fullest after tragedy.