"Knowledge, whither dost thou lead me? Thought, whither dost thou lure me?" #AnatoleFrance #RevoltoftheAngels #classic #commuteandread
"Knowledge, whither dost thou lead me? Thought, whither dost thou lure me?" #AnatoleFrance #RevoltoftheAngels #classic #commuteandread
A little break from the "real world" this weekend. Coffee and a good book. #thepassage #latte #juststarted
"...still, how wonderful to be desired! Surely this was God's gift to fallen Man. Both the reason and sweet recompense for the loss of Paradise." #RichardRusso #EmpireFalls #quote #desire #blessed
@AllieFuchs alerted me to the fact that she finished "Empire Falls" this week. I gotta catch up! Time is ticking down until the LOC's Book Festival. #EmpireFalls #RichardRusso #LOCBookFestival #gottasignthemall
Just finished Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" earlier this afternoon. It took me MONTHS to push through (which is why my book is a little worse for wear and tear). I found the book to be fantastic, but (there's always a but) I'll admit I am a little under-appreciative having a limited knowledge of Indian customs, mythology, and politics. I am in awe of Rushdie's talent for the written word and story weaving. Now to start Russo's "Empire Falls."
"...in which my fellow-students took out processions to demand a stricter, more Islamic society -- proving that they had contrived to become the antithesis of students everywhere else on earth, by demanding more-rules-not-less." #24in48 #readathon #reading #books @24in48 #quote #morerulesnotless
Starting the #24in48 #readathon by trying to finish up "Midnight's Children." My selection for this weekend are books by authors that are going to be at the Library of Congress's annual Book Festival in September. @24in48 #reading #books #justbeginning
"A death makes the living see themselves too clearly; after they have been in its presence, they become exaggerated."
When your friend returns the GOT series you lent her years ago at a bar. Thank God for big purses.