Very excited to start this book! Neil Gaiman is becoming one of my favorite authors and I hope to add this to my favorites!
While this book may have my favorite cover of them all.. it really focuses on a set location, which I feel really takes away from the adventure part of it. I feel like there was a lot more potential in this one, oh well! The Deltora Quest continues! ⭐️
As a huge fan of fairy tales, heroine protagonist, and great stories this is definitely an all-time favorite! Nice cross between Howl's Moving Castle and Beauty and the Beast. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Two down, many more to go! I love that these kids books are a quick read. ☺️
I seriously love this book, occasionally rambles, but the humor is top notch! Just read this small portion about a bird using a spaceship. 🚀 What precious protagonist Neil Gaiman has written!
Found my Deltora Quest books from over sixteen years ago! Really makes me feel old, but I am so glad I kept all of them. This is the series that really got me into reading, it's just as fun as I remember! 😊