Took me back to my undergrad astrobiology subject, which was great 🚀⭐️🌏
Another wonderful novel featuring a teenage Desi girl who wants a career in film! I hope this becomes as big as the vampire trend 😋
Excellent world building, and an action-packed plot, as always. Plus, there's plenty of smooching ? And "mermaids"! ?
This book is great! Would wholeheartedly recommend! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
These chapter titles are complete 💜 I am looking forward to ALL the Bollywood references!
This was such a delight to read! I've been in a reading slump, and it turns out, this was just what I needed 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Wowza! I really love these series, and this was an excellent extension of the worldbuilding of the Witchlands. If I wasn't pumped for Bloodwitch before, I am now!
I must admit, things did take a while to start making some sense. The disjointed nature of the diary entries is both frustrating at first, and lovely by the end. Once everything comes together, I can see why this style was...
Full review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35481848
This one was surprisingly intense! There was a sense of real danger and malevolence that the previous two lacked. Full of the same usual Nancy Drew tropes that we know (and, admittedly, love), it was an enjoyable read. For a change, it was George who didn't believe in Nancy, rather than Bess, which was a refreshing change. And plenty of suspects abounded! Plus the lack of internet ...
Read full review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48775
This was a super cute, super short, primer to Kat and Dan's upcoming book. Not much else to say about it except that I'm very excited for Marriage of Inconvenience, now! Also, for those who have not read the previous books in the series, this contains (?minor) spoilers.
Another foray into Dickens! I must admit that I'm feeling rather proud of myself. The more I read, the easier his writing gets to understand.
I really enjoyed this novella. It's quite different to the other works of his I've read so far. Its focus is on the home and the family, rather than social issues for which Dickens is so famous. There's still some good me... #classicreads
Read full review at: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/568571057