My latest read!!! I don't normally finish a book in less than 24 hours but I absolutely LOVE Alice In Wonderland! ❤
My latest read!!! I don't normally finish a book in less than 24 hours but I absolutely LOVE Alice In Wonderland! ❤
Ridiculously excited right now!!!!! After weeks of debating I have finally given in and treated myself to this beauty!!! And for my first read I have chosen.... *drum roll^... Little Women 📚❤ I really want to get into classics and it was recommended to me by a friend so I thought this is exciting opportunity to give it a go!
Can't stand the fact that one is bigger than the rest!! The #editions are different anyway which doesn't bother me so much, but this really doesn't look right 🤔 On the plus side I am so close to having the full #series!! I don't want to start reading until I have them all!
I should be getting some sleep but I am really getting into this!!! 📚
And yes, there is a small stain on my book.... I have no idea how it got there 😭😭
#latenight #light #pages #sleepisoverratedanyway
Making a small list of some of the books I would like to read this year... Definitely adding these 3 to the pile!! I have honestly never finished a Jane Austen novel so I definitely need to change that!
It is almost midnight and I am exhausted!! Go to sleep or read???.... Read, of course!!
Decided to re-organise my #shelves for the #newyear! I'm very fussy with the way they look so this could take a while... also hoping to get as much of #IT read today too! I really let myself down with my #readingchallenges this year so my new years resolution is to read more books!!