This book is about a kid who had a box of crayons and they were don‘t bring used so they quit
This book is about a kid who had a box of crayons and they were don‘t bring used so they quit
I‘m reading 90 days of different and I really like it. Basically the book is About Sophie who just graduated high school, on the last day of school and after the graduation Sophie‘s boyfriend Luke broke up with her because she was too boring and only wanted to do homework. Sophie was devastated about her breakup so her best friend Ella made it her mission to make sure Sophie is doing something different she hasn‘t ever done before.
The book guts is about how she has been having stomach issues. Raina felt insecure and scared. Along the way of feeling like this she figured out that she has a fear of vomit. Raina felt along and like people would thing she was a freak because she has as stomach issue. Then later she finally tells her friends and they don‘t think she‘s a freak. I recommend this book to anyone who likes graphic novels.