Happy Saturday Everyone! Cheers!!! #suzannecollins #theballadofsongbirdsandsnakes #weekendreading #wine
Happy Saturday Everyone! Cheers!!! #suzannecollins #theballadofsongbirdsandsnakes #weekendreading #wine
Trying to start a new book in my house is impossible...thanks Sammy....#catsandbooks #booksandcats #cats #books #myfuzzypunk
It‘s a chilly and rainy afternoon....snuggling with Sam, a good book and enjoying listening to “Middle Earth | Rivendell” music and ambience on the Ambient Worlds YouTube channel 💜 #booksandcats #girlsofstormandshadow #natashangan #ambientmusic
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!! I‘m taking full advantage of my day off today....Tea, Vinyl (Pink Floyd‘s Wish You Were Here) Pandora(one of my furry kids) and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 🤘🏻 #alanmoore #kevinoneill #theleagueofextraordinarygentlemen #cats #tea #vinyl
Very fun and interesting style, great story 💜. Don‘t mind Sam (cat), he‘s just being judgmental. #daisyjonesandthesix #taylorjenkinsreid #cat #judgementalcat
This book was Fantastic! I couldn‘t put it down! #caraval #stephaniegarber #yafantasy #coffee #cats