Excellent murder mystery read written by an exceptional USA best selling author Jon Land
Excellent murder mystery read written by an exceptional USA best selling author Jon Land
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Snowman Paul at the Winter Olympics is a charming fun fast paced easy to read children's book. Children ages 3-8 will revel in Paul's adventure. There is a great moral to the story that teaches kids to be honest. The illustrations are simply delightful. It was better than I expected. My granddaughters love the book and have me read it to them often. Highly recommended!
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Beautiful stort about the causes of addiction. Prue overcomes huge obstacles and through the help of treatment center and other patients, she learns the reason why she is an addict. This is an engaging story of triumph and hope. It's the best book I've read in a long time. Praise for Jennifer Irwin's A Dress the Color of the Sky. Emotional, dramatic and lovely.