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Joined December 2017

Soldiers' Pay | William Faulkner
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Not such a great entry point for new readers to his books. I recommend his short stories to start. It's okay, It shows how much growth Faulkner did in his career. The characters have depth, the plot is boring. Alot of small town drama about who will marry a recent veteran whom is heavily injured (2❤🔺️)
The adult characters have depth compared to annoying teenage archetypes. Flashbacks and emotional complexity saves it from tanking. 6/10

Ethands Warning: the book contains alot of racist and sexist rhetoric. Being a book set in post WW1 I normally would excuse that. But the narration also has its problem not just the characters. In later books Faulkner gets better at writing about women and black people. My biggest pet peeve is one of the characters casually sexually assaults women. Until he finds a way to have sex with a grieving woman taking advantage of her. Alot of cringe worthy stuff. 6y
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Tarkin | James Luceno

One of the most methodical characters backstory and an explanation of his relationship with both Vader and the Emperor. The plot itself holds up okay, the rebels run flat as antagonists and are a catalyst for the plot to keep out of the excessive exposition in the book.
Tarkin's motivations, development, and complexity is shown well; as well as Vader. The empire is portrayed as a venomous, competitive environment.
7/10 Might not be for everyone.

Ubik | Philip K. Dick

This book is full of great twisting surprises. One of my new favorites by PKD. A bit of suspense, a bit of mystery, a weird ride that has some great head games of what's real and what it means to be alive.
Interesting concepts, introspective characters, well worth it. 8.5/10


A story of the child inside all of us. The aspects of suspense and terror that the unnamed main character as a boy goes through, gripped me strangely. Something about reading (or listening, I heard the audiobook) to children scared or in pain, causes me alot of mental discomfort. The plot seems mundane at first but pulled me by the ear till the end. His father reminded me of mine and scared me. The story is well put. Pacing & development 👍7.5/10.

Cat's Cradle: A Novel | Kurt Vonnegut

I liked the book I guess. It's a strange one. Interesting aspects for me were the traditions of the island people and the pseudo-religion created to keep everyone busy. The narrative is a week plot at best. Its not a bad book. There are funny and satirical aspects to it, but not enough to make it a great story. I feel this is a book better to study and disseminate the meaning behind it, than to read for enjoyment. 6/10 Good enough to finish.


Are you looking to laugh?
Do you think religion is hilarious?
I hope you have a twisted sense of humor, because this is a wild/hilarious ride. The audio book was great. Any version of this amazing gem of apocalyptic comedy is worth it.
An angel and demon (best friends) who observe and try to help kick start the end of the world (ordered to by their respective bosses). The catch is, they don't want the world to end. Well worth it. 8/10.

Soldiers' Pay | William Faulkner
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"Rotten luck. That's exactly what it was, what everything is. Even sorrow is fake, now."...
..."Joe, that is the only sincere word of condolence I ever had. Come here."

This book has a difficult start but Faulkner hooks me again with tragic yet dynamic characters..

Ready Player One | Ernest Cline

Extremely fast pace. Great action, an essential popcorn read. Great audiobook, Will Wheaten does a great job narrating. I'm not a 80's popculture fan, but it makes the 80s seem pretty over glamorous. If you like nerdy stuff and the 80's then this will be a great Nostalgia-fest. The characters are basic teenage heroic archetypes, and come off flat to me. And the villianis company of 6ers(IOI) also aren't that intimidating. 7/10 fun read.

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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood

Worth the hype. A wonderfully tragic tale. I recommend the audible full cast edition, its a natural fit for the story. The writing brought out the full gambit of emotion, I've teared up from both anger and sadness. The normalization of the tyranny and subjugation to the once Americans is scary when considering the modern day situation.
A thought provoking inter monologue narrative that frightens me on the realistic insecurities. 8.5/10

Gilgamesh | Stephen Mitchell

One of the oldest tales, a bromance. The egomaniac king and his best friend go to claim glory. In their pride they loose each other. The lessons learned here are things we are still learning. It seems very shallow at first. But behind a thin curtian, their friendship breaks modern day boundaries of male expectation. This book is worth it. But also very much like a action film, a bit macho for me at times but it makes it laughable. 7/10


The book is good, so is the movie; but in different ways. The worldbuilding and detail of what's outside SF (the movies are LA) is outstanding. The main character is alot more grounded in the book with insecurities. He is just an average looking 30 something in an unhappy marriage. Also the view of animals in the book is a great perspective shift. I love how different his relationship is to the female android.Great read, great audiobook.8.5/10


The plot is just to introduce new characters. The pacing is pretty slow until one of the doors open. Roland's cold resolve is cracking under the physical pain he's in, it adds alot to the plot. The new characters and their home settings are dynamic and vivid. Topics like race and addiction are handled pretty well (not alot of nuance in the race discussion). The end is eh. If you want to read the series, this is a bump in the road. 6/10


The inner monologue and pace of the book makes it worth it. Roland Deschain (The Gunslinger) is cold and calulated, this chilling inner monologe is what makes the book stand out. The secondary characters in the book are pretty bland. The villain has alot of build up but not alot of memorable traits. The fighting and flashbacks save this book from being a miserable Journey. A good quick read, recommend for flights or traveling. 7/10

MStew Starting this series in January 🤓 7y
Ethands I look forward to seeing if you like it! 😁 7y
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Children of Dune | Frank Herbert

The best of both worlds. The politics and mind games from the second book are back and it starts with similar slow pacing. But as the book turns to the 4th quarter, it picks up with better pacing than the 1st book. Leto the second is more daring and complex of a character. The dynamic between him and his sister fell short to me. But other than that the development that alot of the characters went through was amazing to see. 9/10 a must read.

Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman

A fantasy Journey that all slowly cumulates to the end. But that could be the description for most of Neil Gaimans work. The last 1/5 of the book has all the resolution you need. But alot of people get stuck on the journey to that. If you enjoy the journey and exploration of London's underground fantasy world, then its worth it. This is a great example of how his style and format as a writer works (for his novels). 7/10

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A satirical book about World War II that's nearly completely original with thrown in science fiction elements that helps with the plot. I enjoy the jumping back and forth in time that can be disorienting for people. How reliable or unreliable the narrator is or a lot of the different story elements is up for debate. But a solid book, it's worth it. If you enjoy anti-war humor and satire and science fiction maybe not in that order. 8.5/10

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A good sequel but not a great one. I enjoy all the technical and science fiction terms in here, but it can be distracting to the plot at times. Still really funny with good pacing. But not as memorable.
I enjoy the time travel and flash backs, but not everyone does. 7/10


Great concepts, good pacing. The humor makes the book unforgettable. This is a light read that can get most people out of any reading slump/rut.
The dialogue is a high point since the series was originally written for a radio program in the UK.

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Books like this teach lessons that could save humanity. Yet we are more so moving to the future this proclaims. Books illegal, 24/7 media, propaganda and brainwashing, limiting freespeach/freethought, prescription drug problems wide spread. Its no longer a dystopia but our current direction of reality.
This is worth everyone's time.

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The Martian Chronicles | Ray Bradbury

Short stories about human colonization on mars and humanity's prospect for the future. This has relevant social commentary, heart felt characters. The commentary of native peoples struggle, racial struggle (precivilrights movement), freedom of speech pre-Fahrenheit451. This book made me laugh, cry, feel joy and anger. One of the best sci-fi books ever written. If you love science fiction or want a gateway drug, here it is. 10/10

Game of Thrones | George R R Martin

I was expecting better writing. It was overhyped for me, and it didn't move me emotionally or got me to care alot about its characters. That said, I like how unlikable the characters are. The selfishness of most of the people in the book works for the plot and theme. The world building is great some chapters and forgettable others. I pushed through the book, I'm happy it ended, it had a good ending.
I might give the sequel a chance one day. 6/10

48 Laws of Power | Robert Greene

A modern day version of The Prince, the author celebrates Machiavellian rule and the extreme tactics to gain power. The book teaches people to manipulate and do whatever means necessary to get power. An example of traits to look out for in selfcenterd people to avoid.
Reading this gives a guide to what not to do in a leadership role and how history should not be repeated. These type of books are dangerous in the wrong hands. 3.5/10

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Another example of Gladwell showing what would otherwise be overlooked anomalies. How some underdogs success show the weakness of the thought to be powerful. This shows peoples unique strengths, that brings out alot of emotion like hope for the human race. The pain, pride, and power of those told they are week but still rise to the occasion is gripping.
I love his format of short stories of real people to bring together a overarching theme. 8/10.

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Tinkers | Paul Harding

This fucking book made me cry too many times.
More about the relationships between fathers and sons over 3 generations of this fictional family.
The examples of a father walking out, overworked, and funny enough good parenting in the mix.
A small book with alot of realistic characters.
This book helped me come to grips with my family problems when I read it as a teen. That being said as an adult I still cherish this book. 10/10

Trashcanman What a moving review. 7y
Ethands Thank you. 7y
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Anansi Boys: A Novel | Neil Gaiman

A great stand alone story (in the American Gods world). The humor and dialogue are on point. It opens up alot of the possibilities of what the gods can and can't do. The main characters mundane life crumbling is a fun yet tragic journey.
How it explores ones legacy and how that is carried on is realistic.
Its worth your time as a fun read. Don't come into this looking for a American Gods sequel. 7.5/10

American Gods | Neil Gaiman

This book has so much going for it. Mythology ✅, a road trip adventure ✅, subtle beautiful world-building elements ✅, well rounded characters that make you root for evil beings✅. So check this book off your reading list.
That being said, it is a slow burn to a great payoff.
Patience is needed for all the mysteries to come together.
The main character has little development & personality, to have the reader fill his shoes (which is done well).9/10


This book has changed how I view the world.
The interwoven stories rollercoaster between heart breaking and inspiring.

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As I Lay Dying | William Faulkner

The unfolding of these characters through the eyes of others. The perspective changes really make this book unforgettable.
A grim hard travel, as the corpse decomposes the family rots with it.
I like that no one is relatable or really good morally, everyone in this book is twisted and that makes it so much more interesting.

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The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck

Very relevant to today.
The struggle the family faces is relatable.
A perfect time capsule for the American West in the 30s.
The irrational Behavior of the characters and the generosity they show, is such a realistic view of people. That shows all their faults and insecurities yet at the same time their honor and dedication to family values.
This is such a tragically beautiful work of fiction.

Dune Messiah | Frank Herbert

A lot less action then the first book.
If you enjoy politics and mind games this is for you.
Its a slow build but past the half way point it picks up. The ending is worth it.
I loved it, but it takes patience to love.


An amazing epic that got me hooked into its vast lore and world building.
The politics of its houses is like a science fiction version of game of thrones, less sex, better writing in comparison to song of ice and fire series.
The whole chosen one on 3-4 different fronts for the genius do anything 15 year old boy is a little played out. But its not too corny or in bad taste.
The ecological focus on the planet of Dune(Arrakis) is worth it. 9/10