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Tarkin | James Luceno
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"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . ." Bestselling "Star Wars" veteran James Luceno gives Grand Moff Tarkin the "Star Wars: Darth Plagueis" treatment, bringing the legendary character from "A New Hope" to full, fascinating life. He s the scion of an honorable and revered family. A dedicated soldier and distinguished legislator. Loyal proponent of the Republic and trusted ally of the Jedi Order. Groomed by the ruthless politician and Sith Lord who would be Emperor, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin rises through the Imperial ranks, enforcing his authority ever more mercilessly . . . and zealously pursuing his destiny as the architect of absolute dominion. "Rule through the fear of force rather than force itself, "he advises his Emperor. Under Tarkin s guidance, an ultimate weapon of unparalleled destruction moves ever closer to becoming a terrifying reality. When the so-called Death Star is completed, Tarkin is confident that the galaxy s lingering pockets of Separatist rebellion will be brought to heel by intimidation . . . or annihilation. Until then, however, insurgency remains a genuine threat. Escalating guerrilla attacks by resistance forces and newfound evidence of a growing Separatist conspiracy are an immediate danger the Empire must meet with swift and brutal action. And to bring down a band of elusive freedom fighters, the Emperor turns to his most formidable agents: Darth Vader, the fearsome new Sith enforcer as remorseless as he is mysterious; and Tarkin whose tactical cunning and cold-blooded efficiency will pave the way for the Empire s supremacy . . . and its enemies extinction. Praise for "Tarkin" "" "Tarkin" tells a compelling tale of mystery while revealing much about a character who has fueled debate among fans since 1977, as well as the oppressive regime he represents. [James] Luceno has proven once again that the villains of "Star Wars" are as much fun as the good guys. New York "Daily News" "" Another home run in the new canon . . . This is the highest and best distillation of Tarkin stories, old and new, we ve ever been given. "Big Shiny Robot" "" A spectacular novel, with the intrigue, action, and profound characterization we have come to expect from the pen of Luceno . . . ["Tarkin"] provides a nuanced, multi-faceted anti-hero who is captivating, ominous, and calculating; in many ways, this is an origin tale of the Empire [and] a fascinating portrait of one of the more popular characters in the Original Trilogy. It may very well be one my favorite "Star Wars" novels. "Coffee with Kenobi" "" A fascinating look at the pathos of one of the galaxy s most criminally underused characters. "TheForce.net""
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Tarkin | James Luceno
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Star Wars: Tarkin | James Luceno
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I really enjoyed this one. I admit I've always had a weakness for the old devil and this is the story of Tarkin's childhood on Eriado and rise through the Empire to one of the Emperor's most trusted 🖤
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#LittenListen #FeaturesMusicOrSoundEffects @aperfectmjk
#AVeryMerryBingo #SantaBaby @Jadams1776

Jadams89 🎄🎉🎁 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Tarkin | James Luceno
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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

Great story about GrandMoff Tarkin.
One of the best villains in the SW world.
Enigmatic, resolute and determined, represses attacks on the empire with violence alongside Darth Vader.
The book explains better the life of Tarkin and why he is so hard and resolute.

“Moff Tarkin sends his regards”

#starwars #tarkin #darkside #empire #darthvader #darthsisious #jamesluceno #luceno

Tarkin | James Luceno
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I gave it a good try. I have prob tried to read this around 3 times so far but I couldn‘t get into it. I‘m thinking it‘s the author as I tried another SW book he wrote and I couldn‘t finish it either. So I‘m disappointed but it‘s a huge universe. On another note I like this collectible toy In the pic-I have a Chewie, Han, Rey, Luke, R2 and 3PO so far.

Star Wars: Tarkin | James Luceno
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“Five standard years have passed since Darth Sidious proclaimed himself galactic emperor.”

Tarkin | James Luceno
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I got this book as a deal with A New Dawn for around $5-$10 and 3 short stories. (iBooks) I wanted to read New Dawn first but this is technically first in chronological order. I‘m combining this with the Vader comic where the Death Star has just been destroyed.

Tarkin | James Luceno
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Actually, I wasn't sure how to rate this book. While the story didn't really interest me at all (it just didn't get to me), I was stunned by the character of Tarkin. I never really cared for him, but Luceno showed me what a fascinating character he is. Therefore it sure is a Pick, since I've learned so much about Tarkin and his origins.


Tarkin | James Luceno
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I‘m still working on Canto Bight... but just a reminder that up next for #StarWarsBuddyRead is Tarkin!

Put in you library holds or dig out your copies. 😉

Tarkin | James Luceno

One of the most methodical characters backstory and an explanation of his relationship with both Vader and the Emperor. The plot itself holds up okay, the rebels run flat as antagonists and are a catalyst for the plot to keep out of the excessive exposition in the book.
Tarkin's motivations, development, and complexity is shown well; as well as Vader. The empire is portrayed as a venomous, competitive environment.
7/10 Might not be for everyone.

Tarkin | James Luceno

It was just okay. I definitely finished the book with a better sense of who Tarkin is as a character, but definitely not the most gripping addition to the EU.

Tarkin | James Luceno
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Tarkin | James Luceno

I‘ve spent an embarrassingly large amount of time searching Tmblr for a meme I say yesterday claiming that the only reason anyone would claim Tarkin is their favorite Star Wars book would be because it was the only one they‘d read. It‘s depressingly accurate.

Tarkin | James Luceno
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Digging into this guy next. I really just want to be reading the next Thrawn book, but they‘re not ARCing them so I guess I‘ll just wait forever.

Tarkin: Star Wars | James Luceno
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Between a pick and a so-so, this had parts that were really excellent, and parts that seemed to drag on forever. I enjoyed Tarkin's backstory, though I still can't picture what little kid Tarkin would have looked like- you don't see many school-age kids with cheekbones like razors. If you are already reading the Star Wars books, I don't think you should skip it. But if you're on the fence, I wouldn't start with this one.

Scurvygirl Tarkin, what a dick. 6y
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Tarkin | James Luceno
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Luceno wrote a great book about a great character, introducing the reader to a cold existence that shaped him and lead him to becoming Grand Moff Tarkin but seriously I may listen to all my Star Wars books from here on out just so I can hear blasters go "pew pew" in the background along with the original film score!
#LitsyAtoZ #letterT

Tarkin | James Luceno
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My #LitsyHandle has been my online moniker everywhere. As far back as I can remember I was in love with Anime and my kid brother started calling me Marichan which sounded too much like Maruchan, the ramen noodle, so he changed it to Mariaku. The 21 comes from the number inversion of 12 which is how old I was when the moniker came to be.
Thanks @Chelleo reading the stories on other people's handles has been fun!

Chelleo Good job kid brother!! 6y
mariaku21 Lol kid brothers have their moments of awesomeness @Chelleo 6y
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Tarkin | James Luceno
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My haul from the Changing Hands sale today in Tempe, AZ! The Wonder Woman is actually a Book Depository purchase that just came in, but everything else was just $26! And Furthermore is a signed copy!! I really need to curb by book buying in 2018, but I couldn‘t resist...

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I am committed to trimming down my buying, but I will never skip a library sale or other great sale, so many good books so cheap! (edited) 7y
saguarosally What, me influence? 😇😂📚 7y
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Tarkin | James Luceno

Excellent backstory .

Tarkin: Star Wars | James Luceno

I was hoping for a rich exploration of a subtle, frightening villain. Instead, I found a lot of exposition - this read, at times, more like a D&D manual than a novel.

Tarkin: Star Wars | James Luceno
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Finished the audio version of this today and really enjoyed it. Great production value and vocal performances. Love the depth it adds to a minor character from the films.