Such an amazing book haul 😍
I absolutely love her documentaries, can‘t wait to dig in to her first book ❤️
Such a clever and addictive thriller. I could not put this book down! Learning about Oliver from the perception of those he has come into contact with throughout his life, is such an original and interesting concept. The only negative I have is that the book was not longer.
Book Mail is the best 😍❤️ Also if you have not had a sneak at my blog Feed The Crime then please follow the link, I would love some feedback https://feedthecrime.wordpress.com ❤️
Trying to read with my little shadow. However I‘m already 150 pages in of The Widow and I am addicted. Hopefully I have time to finish this before I go to sleep tonight 🤞🏼
How far into a book do you get before you decide you just can‘t finish it?
I won this in a Goodreads Giveaway, so was really excited, however I‘m nearly a 100 pages in and just finding it hard to make myself read it.
Has anyone watched the Netflix programme of this? I don‘t know whether to read this first or watch then read?
Love this book! I really enjoy dystopia books, does anyone have any recommendations?
When you win a Goodreads Giveaway. Has anyone read this? I can‘t wait to get stuck in.
Can‘t believe I got all these books for Qa Love raiding the charity shops.
In all honesty I don‘t know how to feel about staying up to finish this. The book is one crazy rollercoaster, I loved how intense and addictive it was. However – and this is a big however – the big WTF ending to be honest ruined this book for me . If I had of known the genre of the twist for the ending then it would be highly unlikely that I would of picked this book up to read.
Have any of you read the Helen Grace Series? I absolutely devoured all of the books and this one happens to be one of my favourites. What‘s yours?
I'm not sure where to start with this book, the first thing which intrigued me was that the chapters included emails as well as handwritten letters, I loved this idea as it made you feel fully immersed within the storyline.
This book seemed pretty straightforward until the last quarter where I felt that everything was just turned on its head.
I love books that make me gasp out loud and this book made me do it twice!
This was thrilling and dangerously addictive, I stayed awake all night just to finish this book!