Leave it to Lindqvist to make his reader smile and feel warm fuzzies in a universe of mind bending horror and hopelessness. Another banger by a contemporary master.
Leave it to Lindqvist to make his reader smile and feel warm fuzzies in a universe of mind bending horror and hopelessness. Another banger by a contemporary master.
Got my first installment of Paperbacks from Hell. BLACK AMBROSIA by Elizabeth Engstrom. Oh I am so here for this!
Do you know what I like the most? Paper books. After my beached whale of an ebook attempt from the library (A ton of holds dropped and I have issues disconnecting on connected devices so they all are going back) nothing sets off a Minnesota fall day better than a solid state paper book and coffee. In the great words of the Cake Farts lady LETS GET THIS DONE!
Eerie and unnerving are my thing right up there with coffee and carbohydrates. This Twilight Zone adjacent story is here to remind you that you can‘t always get what you want. Don‘t sleep on this. It‘s about the same price as a dang coffee. Tremblay is the shizzle!
If you don‘t already know, there‘s never been a better time to learn. Daddy Lindqvist is top 5 contemporary writers for me and this Lovecraftian collection of graphic, emotional, eerie, slow burn is the cats pajamas. Don‘t make me pick a favorite short here. I love them all!
Here‘s a dive into some creepy queer lit a day or so late for coming out day. Solid novella,brought the emotions I had growing up in a rural Appalachian community, knowing I‘m gay but knowing I was trapped. The emotions were the only parallel I had with the main character because she suffered some gnarly trauma. Until every cage is empty! (Literal, figurative)
Sometimes over exposure inundates us to sleep on things that we should be wide awake for. Doctor Sleep is prime example of my frosty bottle of Hatorade. This where are they now of little Danny Torrance had me up real late and feeding my kids PBJ for dinner just revisiting the fact that Stephen King is GOAT! Get ready for some serious Danny and Abra antics y‘all...
I just learned something about myself. Give me a familiar historically accurate fictionalized tale familiar to me, add a supernatural dark twist (in this case real friggin dark) and I‘ll stalk the crap outta social media to find all of your work. The Hunger takes us down the Donner Party road but it like, I can‘t tell you. This is my favorite book I‘ve read this year.
Wow, this is a silly, heartfelt, nostalgic horror comedy filled with Aussie hair spray, Bartles and James wine coolers, those problematic 80s, Satanic Panic and the power of human connections (and throughout I was hearing whispers of Def Leppard). I‘m cutting my teeth here on reviews and since we‘re in the time of burn the witch who spoils I‘m leaving y‘all with 2 factoids. I read it in like a day and a half and it made me ugly cry. Read it.
I have no idea or excuse as to why it took me so long to read this book as I have seen the movie a dozen times. The depth of emotion and human connection (even when the humans aren‘t quite human anymore) created by the author as well as the atmosphere itself did something to the vampire genre that has never been replicated. Basically I‘m saying the book is dope and you need to read it.