What made someone a mother...
Been awhile since I've finished a book in one day... I'm very close. Devoured this one 💜
Best kind of Saturday morning!
Not sure it's entirely smart to start a book at bedtime that says "it will scare the hell out of you!" ??
Just finished the Whole 30 (whoop!) and feel amazing. Now to have food freedom is a little nerve wracking. Time to read the next book and be focused and strong!
Yes. I'm a corner folder. Look away if offended. 😏
Good food is good. Bad food is bad. 😏
On Day 5 of Whole 30...
My favorite kind of reading spot ☀️💙
One of the wonderful things about a dad who is an avid reader is knowing you can find classic books in his library when you want to read them. ❤️ $1.95 for this book back in the day. #thankfulforparentswhoalsoread #adultborrowing
Rainy Saturday morning... coffee and my book. Perfection.
I love a book that makes me angry, then makes me cry, and then makes me roll my eyes.