Spine cracking then vacation bringing! Hoping for some hot stuff!
And we're off! Already feels like it's going to be a wild ride. Better hold on.
As beautiful as expected. I want to see the universe through her eyes. #mermaidtail #naughtydog #saturdaynight
Bel Canto still my favorite Patchett. Despite some slow pacing, I enjoyed this.
Cracking the spine! So excited, but it looks like I need more wine.
Loving the humor with which Marquez writes.
More than halfway through this series on audio. Its despicable characters are solidly holding my interest.
Perfect amount of lightness and humor.
I read Helter Skelter in the front row of Geometry class sophomore year of high school (1976, if you care to know). It scared me sh$tless because it really happened. And the pictures! Yikes! If The Girls wasn't so reminiscent of this crime/era, I might have reacted differently. Anyone else? 3-stars
"Life a continuous backing away from the edge." Isn't it true? The Girls by Emma Cline
Who doesn't want a fresh start like shaking an etch-a-sketch screen? Remember those? This book was light, fresh and exactly what I needed. Lots of laugh out loud moments. Some cringeworthy, too. Great on audio. 4-stars!
The calm before the storm. Fourth of July weekend is lurking...
Slowly filling beach balls while being entertained by "The Girls".
It turns out I am not a huge e.e. Cummings fan. But I do love me some erotica!
Just made an evening cocktail! I'm slightly addicted to "The Girls".