Super cute read that teaches about saving and how important it is!
Super cute read that teaches about saving and how important it is!
Super cute book that teaches acceptance! Loved this read!
Super cute book about birthday presents. Love it for young ones
Great book to let students know it‘s okay to be different
Words cannot express how this book made me feel. A great book for students to learn about so many things, with a breathtaking ending that left me extremely emotional!
A great book about being nice to others. Read this and a couple other books to some young ones today. Great read to teach against bullying
Definitely a book aimed for a younger audience then the fault in our stars... I absolutely love John Green, and while wrapping up this book earlier in the week I once again marveled at what an amazing job he did in expressing the difficulties of mental health, to show kids that some of their colleagues may be dealing with something similar, and that it is okay, they simply need to understand...
Finished re-reading this gem earlier this month. A book that addresses the issues of racism at such a young age. Just like the concept of homosexuality and DI priced parents, it is so great to see books aimed towards young ones that work on these issues and preach nothing but acceptance.
Adorable book to show that all children in a family are special and need eachother! A great read for any child but ESPECIALLY siblings!
A great read my mom read to me growing up. Such a cute great read with some monkey business XD! 10/10 recommend for your young ones!
One of my favorites hearing as a young kid! Love the story this teaches about helping others!
Cutest book! Read this with younger sister. Great read and a Caldecott winner!
An all time favorite as a kid, think this is a great read to get students excited about math!
Such a cute story to read! Remember this being one of my favorite books to take a look at as a young kid!
Great book to read to kids! Shows us that differences are okay :). Had to give this one a second look!