Book 81 of the year.
Book 81 of the year.
“On every monkey was a gray, or a brown, or a blue, or a red cap!“
Caps for Sale is filled with humor but also teaches children about problem and resolution.
Caps for Sale is a children's picture book written and illustrated by Esphyr Slobodkina that was originally published in 1940. Caps for Sale is an easy-to-read book that includes repetition, patterns, and colors, which is perfect for early readers.
This book would be a great jumping off point for students to create their own creative writing. They could decide what they would sell, and who would steal their merchandise, and how they would get it back.
This book uses lines to tell its story through pictures. The man with caps for sale stands straight and tall so that his hats stay perfectly on his head, his body and hats create a straight line. The straight line shows the order, whereas the curvy, organic lines of the trees that the hat-stealing monkeys sit in show chaos. Once the man has his hats back, he stacks them in perfect lines.
The usage of lines to capture the peddler moving through the country allows students to see that lines aren't just horizontal or vertical but rather understand that when used correctly in ways that one line can turn into multiple different aspects on the page.
“Caps for Sale“ by Esphyr Slobodkina is a very simple story about a Peddler trying to sell some caps but monkeys end up stealing them and he has to argue with them to get the caps back. However, the composition and lines that are used throughout all of the illustrations allow for it to be more complex to look at even though the story is so simple. The lines are used to portray the rolling of the hills through the country.
No longer certain how this particular classic illustrated children's book ended up on my radar, but it was exactly what I needed. Charming illustrations, very simple plot.
A great read my mom read to me growing up. Such a cute great read with some monkey business XD! 10/10 recommend for your young ones!
A TL classic, Caps for Sale! This story is about a peddler who tries to sell his caps, but gets into some monkey business along the way. This classic tale would be a great addition to any classroom library, and can be effective by using this book for a RA! In a RA, students can be encouraged to participate by having them be able to tell you the parts of the story, or what they think may happen next. #ucflae3414sp21
So I can‘t sleep so I am up browsing spice racks... like you do... 😅 and I see this as a suggested purchase and I think who would need this other than this guy?? 🎩🐒
#NovelWatchingCrew @AsYouWish @ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie @jb72
1. I plan to read Dahl's Fantastic Mr. 🦊 because I have only watched the movie. I'm getting my huge unabridged Grimm's Fairy Tales and choosing certain ones. And, I GET TO READ GREEN EGGS AND HAM TO THE PRESCHOOL CLASS. I'M BEYOND EXCITED!!!!
2. My first favorite book. I checked it out so many times in kindergarten.
1. Tagged. I checked it out every other week. 2. I was in fourth grade when the Challenger exploded. During my second year of teaching fifth grade, my students experienced 9/11.
3. Covering my nose and chest with Vick's Vapor Rub.
4. Have a great weekend @laurenslibrary
@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads
Caps, caps for sale, fifty cents a cap.
This book used a lot of reporting and colors that are beneficial to children. The illustrations add humor to the story through showing emotions and situations
I would use this book in my future classroom, because it is comical and a simple read so it is easier for younger ages.
this book is full of vivid detailed drawings and repetitive texts. “caps for sale@ prompts little one to infer, predict and chant along
this lively folktale follows a cap peddler who wears his entire inventory on his head and takes an unfortunate nap beneath a tree full of scheming monkey.
#fallintoreading #leaves @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Some of my fav children's books with some leaves featured in them :)
Earlier we drove to a family party and Genevieve “read” this book aloud to me and @emilyhaldi ♥️
We are knee-deep in second trimester house projects while I still have energy. We got some nursery painting done this weekend, but we‘ve moved on to the bookshelves. So many of these are my childhood copies of favorites. I‘m so excited to get to read those with my kids! And also have already figured out additional book storage 😂
Book Outlet is also having a sale
Caps for sale is a children‘s literature/fiction book written by Esphyr Slobodkina. I read this book when I was a child and instantly remembered it through the cover. This book is about a peddler who wants to sell caps but finds that monkeys took them off his head when he was napping. The peddler eventually gets his caps back and has them up for sale. #UCFWaltersLit -children‘s literature/fiction
Caps for Sale is a classic story that is TL, this story captivates students. This story is about a peddler who sells caps, then one day he decides to take a nap under a tree full of monkeys. Who end up taking his caps and monkeying around with them. Then the peddler realizes that they are mimicking him, so he tricks them into giving him his caps back. Such a cute and funny story to do as a S or DR. #UCFLAE3414F17
Caps For Sale written & illustrated by Esphyr Slobodkina is a humorous low fantasy picture book about a Peddler who is riding around selling caps. He runs across some monkeys and gets caught in some monkey business! This timeless classic is great for storytelling or RT in the classroom. Attached is a link to a Scholastic extension activity for students to complete after the storytelling:
This is a classic F RApicture bookby Esphyr Slobodkina. This is a story about a peddler selling caps and tricky monkeys. This book is a great RA I think everyone should have in their classroom library. I would use UDL principle 2.3 and ESOL strategy 30 to identify and connect with math. I would use the different colored hats to create addition and subtraction math problems. Diagrams and drawings would help to visualize the addition or subtraction.
Day 21 & 22 #UncannyOctober #🙄 #HatsAndOtherHeadgear 🎩👒⛑🎓Yesterday's 🙄prompt is for the number of times I've bought a cute hat before remembering that I just don't look good in them. 😕 😆 Seriously, some people just can't pull hats off & I am one of them. The first books I thought of with hats & other headgear were these classic books from my childhood. I had all of these. Caps for Sale was probably my favorite.🐒🙊🙉🙈🐵❤️
I had this #hat (but in red) for a while, but after the election it didn't feel funny anymore so I got rid of it. #AugustLibrary17
I picked this up from the library because it's one of few books I definitely remember reading as a kid and I wanted to read it for the childhood book category in the 2017 Picture Book Challenge I'm working on. I thought it would be too long to hold my 2-year old's attention, but I was wrong! He asked for it "again!" multiple times. A classic!
Juliet keeps asking for this one at bedtime lately, and then during the day she walks around with random things on her head yelling "FIFTY CENTS A CAP!" ? #raisingreaders
Caps! Caps for sale! I remember my parents reading this to me as a little girl!! This is a lovely (traditional literature?) book where a peddler travels through town selling his caps. When he goes to take a snooze, monkeys get into some monkey business! This is a great book for a classroom read-aloud. Written & illustrated by Esphyr Slobodkinda. For more monkey business check out: https://www.readinga-z.com/book.php?id=1489 #ucflae3414sp17
I couldn't decide on what books were my #favoritechildrensbook so I included as many as I could remember reading right now including my favorite as a preteen/teenager. #riotgrams
Someone's been reading a few of my favorite books!
I'm doing my all time favorite kids book since my all time favorite adult book would be a repeat (Brave New World). This is the first book I was able to read by myself and I read it over and over again. I've been a bookworm ever since! 😻📚✨🎩 #80skid #alltimefavoritebook #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge
Her TBR pile is pretty impressive for the night. #littlereader #tbrtuesday
While I'm glad the guy got his inventory back, I still think he's got a legal obligation before he makes future sales to disclose that his merchandise was previously worn by, and then thrown to the ground by, a pack of wild monkeys.
This book is magic. When I read this as a kid, as soon as the monkeys start saying "tsz tsz tsz," I joined right in. And the first time I read it to my two year old, he joined right in shaking his finger and then his fist and then stamping his feet, saying "tsz tsz tsz." Ideal read aloud book.