Wild Geese by Mary Oliver
This is probably the thing I've read the most times? It's chicken soup for the critically thinking soul. First time reading it in its hard back edition. I'm bout to turn this wine into water. ❤️
Everyone is excited for 2016 to be over with, but I'm most excited that we're a year closer to seeing this on the big screen!
I absolutely loved this look into the unique love of high school bffs. Scary, funny, and totally captures the isolation you sometimes feel in youth.
Excited to try something a little different for my next read.
Finally reading the trilogy my sweet sister has been bugging me about FOREVER! Bonus that her first name looks like Jana on the cover.
Can't. Put. It. Down.
Me when I started reading this: "No way is a book written in the thirties going to scare me."
Me towards the end: "I have got to STOP reading scary books before trying to go to sleep!"
Excellent speech from an excellent human being.
When your FB memories reminds you it's been a year since your heart was ripped out and stomped on in the most beautiful way. 😩💕😩
When your FB memories reminds you it's been a year since your heart was ripped out and stomped on in the most beautiful way. 😩💕😩
Bought some soap from my new favorite Etsy shop! Smells amazing, but I'm guessing the MacBeth one might not clean my hands very well. 😉
I'll support anything Klosterman puts out. I'm engrossed in this right now. Is there such a thing as an absolute?
If you like satire. I recommend this Clickhole article of Best Last Lines of Famous Novels.
Already have this on audiobook, but still have yet to listen. My sister raved about it. $2.99 for kindle today.
So many good Kindle daily deals today on books I've had on my TBR. Starting with Home is Burning for $2.99!
At the Texas Motor Speedway waiting for the track to dry from the rain. I thought racing in the rain was an art.
I thought this book ended on a very realistic note. Funny, sweet and forward-thinking. Pick it up if you can.
This is a Kindle daily deal today. $1.99. Go get it!
Next up on the TBR. I've heard great things, and I believe this is my first book published in 2016 that I've read this year? How is that possible?
Picked up a book I've been wanting to read on my first day of volunteering at the CitySquare thrift store in Dallas. I need to stop perusing the book section! #shermanalexie